The major objective of Design & Analysis of Algorithm Lab is to help students learn how to analyze a problem and design the solution for the problem. In addition to coming up with solutions for problems, the goal is to make the solutions optimal. In other words, the solutions are to be simplified and memory usage of the solution must be very low.
The objective of this lab is to provide a student with an understanding of the fundamental concepts of system software and to provide the skills needed for developing a software application. They can also have knowledge of the underlying assembler, macro processor, relocation loader, absolute loader, limitations and efficiency of various design techniques in system software applications.
The Microprocessors & Micro-controllers Lab helps students develop knowledge on processor architecture and programming skills. The major objective of this lab is to understand the internal organization of INTEL 8086 Microprocessors and Assembly Language Programs, using the instruction sets of processors and to study the interfacing of the processor with various peripheral devices. It provides hands-on experience to interface I/O devices, perform A/D and D/A conversions, design a digital clock etc. This lab facilitate students in doing their projects and learn about the latest trends and technologies.
The major objective of this lab is to learn analog and digital circuits; it helps students learn about circuits, such as clipper, clamper, and flip flops, by practical use and simulation measure period & frequency of an AC waveform. A student learns how to measure amplitude, peak-to-peak voltage, and instantaneous voltage, and determine the equation for a sinusoidal voltage from the oscilloscope readings.
In the Database Application Lab, the students will learn about creating database objects, modifying database objects, manipulating the data, retrieving the data from the database server, performing database operations in a procedural manner, and manage data.
The requirement of modern days is to have an automated system that manages, modifies and updates data accurately and efficiently. This can be achieved by a database management system in robust, correct and non-redundant way. DBMS lab aims at practicing and achieving this aim by using various software’s such as SQL, ORACLE, and MS – Access etc. All these require a thorough practice of various queries.
This Computer Programming Lab gives the students an opportunity for learning and better understanding of the basic concepts and constructs of computer programming. They will learn the basics of operating systems such as Windows. Students learn different concepts in C programming, including Numerical Approximation, Functions, Advanced Control Flow, Arrays, Structures, Basic Control Flow, Strings, Pointers, Recursion, Bit Operations, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Files & Macros, and Expression Evaluation.
The Computer Networks Laboratory is designed for the undergraduate students to have hands-on experience on the theoretical aspects studied in computer networking, including design, troubleshooting, modelling and evaluation of computer networks. The students will have exposure to a real test-bed networking environment, with understanding of network addressing (IP Address), IP Routing, Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), IP routing (e.g. RIP), route discovery (e.g. traceroute), TCP & UDP, and. They will learn basic network troubleshooting such as ICMP and Ping. The students will also be introduced to the network modelling and simulation. Most importantly, they will have the opportunity to build some simple networking models using the tool and perform simulations that will help them evaluate their design approaches and expected network performance.
Computer Graphics & Visualization Lab is concerned with all aspects of producing images using a computer. Students learn how interaction and understanding of computers and interpretation of data has been made easier because of computer graphics. As an academic discipline, computer graphics studies the manipulation of visual and geometric information, using computational techniques. It focuses on the mathematical and computational foundations of image generation and processing rather than purely aesthetic issues.
In this lab, the students implement a simple version of some data structures, namely Linked List and Array List, and use them to implement a simple sorting algorithm. This exercise will help students to explore the effect of data structures on the complexity of the algorithm and also understand the details involved in creating data structures from scratch. Also, students implement the same algorithm using C++’s Standard Template Library, which implements a more sophisticated version of those data structures. The Standard Template Library (STL) will be very useful in implementing algorithms for this course.
Graduates are exposed towards use of Bourne Shell commands, Shell constructs, shell programming language, utilities. It also explains the structure of the Unix/Linux operating system and shows how to write system and network programs. It is appropriate for students who want to learn how to write system software for Unix/Linux or for students who want to learn about the structure of a multi-tasking, multi-user operating system. The course covers the details of the file system, terminal and device input/output, multi-tasking, inter-process communication, video displays, and network programming. Theory is presented in the context of how Unix/Linux implements the ideas.