The CAD (Computer Aided Design) Lab provides a convenient means for design and drawing. Used in almost every engineering discipline. It can be used for architectural design, landscape design, interior design, civil & surveying, mechanical design, electrical engineering, plant design, industrial design, duct design, electronic circuit design, plumbing design, textile design and product design. In the CAD Lab, a student gets professional training on 2D & 3D drafting of civil engineering drawings with the help of AutoCAD (latest version). The students will also learn design and drafting, necessary for the civil-engineering discipline.
Today, concrete, a mixture of water, aggregate and cement, is the most widely used construction material in the world. In the concrete laboratory, every component in the concrete mix is tested. Different types of tests are carried out in the concrete lab to test every component of the concrete mixture, including Slump Test, Compressive Strength Test, Water Permeability Test, Rapid Chloride-ion Penetration Test, Water Absorption Test, and Initial Surface Absorption Test.
The main objective of the Geology Lab is to understand the role of Geology in the design and construction processes of underground openings. It aims at identifying the different types of rocks (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic, and structural rocks) and understanding their behaviour, using the fundamental geologic classification systems. Furthermore, you will learn about the development of cracks, fissures in rocks, and their causes & remedies.
The Basic Material Testing Laboratory is intended to make students acquainted in the field of testing of the materials used in construction so as to understand their behaviour, when subjected to external loading. The materials are testing in order to understand their mechanical properties, used to design the structural elements, directly or indirectly.
The Survey Laboratory is meant for surveying tasks and is equipped with the latest equipment, including theodolite, dumpy levels, Trimble, prismatic compass, and chain with all the accessories. A student learns how to prepare contour map that helps in understanding the nature of the ground surface of a region. He gets the basic knowledge of operating optic angle measurement (theodolite), surveying instrument (total station), and setting out works for construction.
The Environmental Engineering Laboratory, in the Civil Engineering department suitable testing, teaching, and researching facilities. These labs house the latest analytical instruments and facilities to undertake any experiment, regardless of the complexity level such as physio-chemical & biological parameter testing for water (including waste water) and air pollutant-testing. The sophisticated instruments made available in the laboratory include pH meter with electrodes, Desiccator, Microscope, water bath, Muffle furnace, Naphelometer turbidity meter, Spectrophotometer, Autoclave, High volume sampler, incubation chamber, and BOD incubator.
The Geotechnical Laboratory has all the equipment necessary to identify and classify the soil, determine the physical and index properties of the soil, understand the permeability characteristics of it, and use of shear parameter in geotechnical design. Major tests that are done in this lab include Tri-axial, Direct Shear Test, Vane Shear Test, CBR Test, and UCS Test. The precision instruments used in this lab include Consolidometer, Cone Penetrometer, and Rapid Moisture Meter.
In addition, there’s a seminar hall, individual staff cabin and dedicated library for the Civil Engineering department.