Dr. M. N. Faruk


Dr.M Sreenivasulu

Dr K Tirumala Devi


Mrs. Shanthi E

Mrs. Supriya Purohit G.

Mrs. Shazia Anjum

Mrs. Syeda Minhaj Fatima

Ms. Megha.D

Mrs. Swapna

Mrs. Mahjabeen

Mr. Sreenivas A

Mrs. Vishwabharathi

Ms. Sara Tahniyath

Ms. Sukanya

Mrs. Muskan Arakeripatel

Ms.Maimuna Saniya

Ms. Saniya Zafar

Ms. Sireesha


Dr. M. N. Faruk
Head of the Department
- Ph.D in Computer Science & Engineering at Bharath University Chennai, Tamil Nadu in the year 2016
- M.E in Computer Science & Engineering at Anna University, Tamil Nadu in the year 2011
- B.Tech in Information Technology Anna University, Tamil Nadu in the year 2006
- HSC in Computer Science, State Board, Tamil Nadu in the year 2002.
- Professor & Head at Navodaya Institute of Technology from 1s t Feb 2018 to till date
- Professor & Head at QIS college of Engineering & Technology, Ongole, from May 2015 to 2018
- Assistant Professor Arunai College of Engineering, Tiruvannmalai, from July 2009 to Feb 2015
- Senior Lecturer at Sri Jayaram Engineering College, Cuddalore, from April 2007 to June 2009
- System Administrator at STS Corporation Al Hufuf, Saudi Arabi December, 2006 – March, 2007
- A Genetic TDS and BUG with Pseudo Identifier for Privacy Preservation over Incremental Datasets", Research article accepted for publication in Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems – IOS Press, NL.DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-169229, SCI Index- 1.004(2016), ISSN:1064-1246
- “A Genetic PSO Algorithm with QoS-aware Cluster Cloud Service Composition", Research paper published in SIRS'15 – Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Series – Springer Journal, ISSN: 2194-5357
- “Cloud based Dual Auction (DA) and A* and IDA* Searching models using BH – Strategy for resource allocation in e-markets", Published in IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4799-8790-0, pp 446 – 452
- “An Optimal Healthcare Self-Diagnosis System using Cloud Framework", Paper accepted for publication in IEEE International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Computational Intelligence (ICBDAC), Chirala, India
- “A Novel Approach for Resource Discovery using Random Projection on Cloud Computing Environments" Published in International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), Vol. 5 No 2 Apr-May 2013. ISSN: 0975-4024. (Scopus Indexed)
- “A Honey Bee Inspired Resource Discovery Framework for Multi Provider Cloud Environments" Paper accepted and yet to be published with International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering (IJCSSE), (Scopus Indexed).
- National Level Teo-day Workshop in “IEEE Smart Tech Workshop -2015" on Sep 25-26,2015 at Htel Lali Ashok. Organized by IEEE Bangalore Section & IEEE Region
- National Level two-day workshop in “IEEE SmartTech Workshop-2015" on Sep 25-26,2015 at Hotel Lali Ashok. Organized by IEEE Bangalore Section & IEEE Region 10 (APAC)
- National level one day workshop on “Web Technologies & Software Quality" conducted by VIT University, Vellore. 4th, April 2010
- IEEE and Microsoft Student Partners Sponsored National level one day workshop on “.NET Framework and Windows Mobile Application Development" – Arunai Engineering College, 26th, March 2010
- ISTE sponsored National level one day workshop on “Web Services and tools" – Arunai Engineering College, 30th, September 2010
- Delivered a special Lecture on “Trends on Cloud Computing“, Faculty Development program sponsored by IIT, Mumbai. Arunai College of Engineering, Tiruvannamalai, on 22nd, February 2013
- Delivered a Special Lecture on “Mobile Computing“, Kamban Womens Arts and Science College for final Year B.Sc Computer Science Students. on 04th March 2014.

Associate Professor
- PhD (Computer Science and Engineering) from Annamalai university Chennai 2017 7.7 [GPA].
- Tech (Computer Science and Engineering) Sri Venkatesa Perumal College of Engineering and Technology 2012 with 77.02 from JNTUA University.
- Tech (Computer Science and Engineering) Srikalahasteeswara Institute of Technology 2008 with 66.08 from JNTU University.
Teaching Experience: 8.6 years
- Working as Associate Professor in Navodaya institute of technology, Raichur since 1-09-2020.
- Worked as Associate Professor Shree Institute of Technical Education, Tirupati, from 02-07-2016 to 28-10-2017.
- Worked as Assistant Professor Ellenki group of engineering college, from 01-06-2012 to 25-12-2016.
- Worked as Lecturer Srikalahasteeswara Institute of Technical Education, from 05-05-2008 to 01-12-2010.
Publications (International /National)
- “Host Identity protocol” at Software Engineering Research, Volume-2, Number1-2, January-December, pp51-56, 2012.
- “Improving Communication Efficiency using CA-AOMDV Routing Protocol in MANETs” at Coimbatore Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) International Journals, JUNE, Issue 2012.
- “Enhanced QoS in MANETs using Analysis of Routing Protocol” at International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER), Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2012 (ISSN 2229-5518).
- “A Comparative Study Of Reactive Routing Protocols In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks” at International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER), Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2012 (ISSN 2229-5518).
- “Ontology-based Business Process Customization For Composite Web Services” at International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2014 (ISSN 2278-0181).
- “Improving performance between proactive and reactive routing protocols in MANETs” at International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJIRSET)Vol.4,SpecialIssue-11,Sept2015.
- "Design and Implementation on fractal Techniques in Image compression analysis and classification of images and remote sensed data” at International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJIRSET)Vol.4,SpecialIssue-11,Sept-2015
International Conferences & National Conferences
- “To Analyze Difference between AODV and DSDV Routing Protocols in MANETs” at Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (Women’s University),Tirupati, November 9th & 10th, 2012.
- “To Analyze Performance in Reactive Routing Protocol using Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks” at Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (Women’s University),Tirupati, November 9th & 10th, 2012.
- “Host Identity protocol” At KrishnaUniversity, Machilipatnam, January 7th & 8th , 2012.
- “Improving performance between proactive and reactive routing protocols in MANETs” at Magna College of engineering and technology, Chennai, Sept-2015.
- “Developing Telugu speech recognition system using sphinix-4” at Magna College of engineering and technology, Chennai, Sept-2015.
- “An Insight into Inter cloud Topology and Interoperability” at Magna College of engineering and technology, Chennai, Feb-2016.

Dr.M Sreenivasulu
Associate Professor
- PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University (State Govt. University) ,Chennai (2011-2015)
- Master of Engineering in Computer science and engineering at Sathyabama University, Chennai -2011,with CGPA 8.33
- Tech in Computer science and engineering at Srikalahasteeswara Institute of Technology-JNTU Hyderabad in the year 2005 with 60.72%.
- Working as Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur since 08-11-2021.
- Worked as Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Vaishnavi Institute of Technology, tirupati from 09-06-2015 to 12-11-2018.
- Worked as Associate professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Shree Institute of Technical Education, Mallavaram , Tirupati from 11-07-2011 to 08-06-2015.
- Worked as Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Srikalahasteeswara Institute of Technology, Srikalahasti, Chittoor Dist from 06-06-2005 to 26-05-2010.
- Qualified in Gate-2012
- “Tracking the Mobile location by Using GPS” at International Journal of Information Systems,Volume 1, Numbers 1-2, January-December 2012.
- “Efficient Query Evaluation of Probablistic Top-k Queries in Wireless Sensor Networks” at International Journal of Computational Engineering Research(IJCR)
- “Service Oriented Context-Aware Middleware for Wireless sensor Network” at International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology Studies in Computer Science and Engineering ,Volume -3,Issue-4(A),April-2011
- Published a paper titled “Design and Architecture for Automated Network Resoures Controlling System in SDN” in International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Electronics (ISSN 0976-1353, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal), Volume 6, Issue 8, September 2014.
- Published a paper titled “Web Service Discovery with QoS-An Agent-Based Approach” in International Journal of Futuristic Science Engineering and Technology Volume 1 ,Issue 1 ,January 2015.
- Published a paper titled “Wireless Sensor Networks Using Secured Topology Maintenance Protocols” in International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal), Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2016.
- Participated in the National Workshop on “Network Simulator-Qualnet” ,organized by Enterprise and Cloud computing Division ,SITE,VIT University, Vellore,Tamilanadu.
- Participated in MHRD-AICTE Sponserd Faculty Development Programme on Bioonformatics-Algorithms,Databases and Tools (BIOADT) organized by the Dept of Computer Science and Engineering ,National Institute of Technology Calicut,Kerala
- Participated in National level Workshop on “Research Problem Formulation And Output Documentation” at Sathyabama University, Chennai,Tamilanadu.
- Participated in IBM Faculty Development Programme on JAVA, Webshpere and DB2 conducted by The IBM Academic Initiative at G Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Kurnool, A P.
- Participated in IBM Academic Initiative for “DB29 Certification Programme “ at NBKR Institute of Science and Technology, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh.
- Worked as a Member in Souvenir Committee for the workshop on ‘Faculty Development Program & ISTE A.P Section 3rd Annual Convention’ organized by Indian Society for Technical Education, A.P Section and Srikalahasteeswara Institute of Technology, Srikalahasti.
- Attended a Faculty Development Program on “Innovative Teaching Methodologies” Held on 5th Sep 2009 at Christ College of Engineering Pondicherry
- Attended a Staff-Development Program on “Software Architecture“during the period of 2ndNov to 14th Nov 2009 held at, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and technology, Puducherry, AICTE

Dr K Tirumala Devi
Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Mrs. Shanthi E
Assistant Professor
- M.Tech in Software Engineering from JNTU, Anantapur, A.P with 81.03% marks in 2013
- B.Tech in C.S.E from R.G.M.C.E.T, Nandyal, A.P affiliated to JNTUH with 76.23% in 2008
- Intermediate in M.P.C from Sri Chaitanya Mahila Kalasala,Vijayawada, A.P affiliated to Board of Intermediate Education with 88.1% in 2004
- Presently working as an Assistant Professor in Navodaya institute of technology, Raichur, from Feb 2014
- Worked as a Lecturer in JNTU Anantapur, From Feb-2009 to Dec 2010
- Worked as a Guest Lecturer In Sai Institute Computer Training center From April 2013 to 2014
- Paper Publication: “QoS Assurance for Dynamic Reconfiguration of FIFO Based Applications”, in imanagers publications in 2013
- Participated in workshop on LATEX Technologies
- Participated in workshop on Android
- Participated in FDP on Real Time solutions using JAVA Spring Framework
- Participated in FDP on Pedagogical Skills Development
- Participated in FDP on Instructional Model For Outcome Based Education

Mrs. Supriya Purohit G.
Assistant Professor
- M.E in Computer Science & Engineering from UVCE Bangalore in the year 2015
- B.E in Information Science & Engineering from PESIT Engineering College Bangalore in the year 2006
- Assistant Professor at NMAMIT Karkala, Udupi with 1 year of experience
- Presently working as Assistant Professor at Navodaya Institute of TechnologyTest Engineer at i-flex
- NITTTR on Modern Teaching Aids at NMAMIT, NITTE,2008(8 DAYS)
- NITTTR at Navodaya Institute of Technology

Mrs. Shazia Anjum
Assistant Professor
- M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering from HKBK college of Engineering, Bangalore under VTU, with 74.5% marks in 2015.
- B.E in Computer Science & Engineering from SLN College of Engineering, Raichur under VTU, with 67.4% marks in 2013.
- Presently working as an Assistant Professor in Navodaya institute of technology, Raichur, from July 9th 2018 till date.
- “Automation of exam hall allotment & seating arrangement”, published in IJERT,vol 10,Issue 6 June 2021,ISSN 2278-0181.
- “Efficient segmentation of foetal ultrasound image segmentation using smoothing algorithm”, published in IJIRCCE ,vol 3,Issue 4,April 2015 ISSN 2320-9801.
- “Fetal ultrasound image segmentation methods based on smoothing algorithm for fetal femur sub-challenge team”, presented paper in ICCNIP-2015.
- One-day workshop on R &D tools & techniques at Navodaya Institute of Technology.
- Two-day workshop on IOT organised by CIET by department of computer science & Engineering.
- 9-day national level online FDP on “foregrounding the spectrum of character building in modern human life organised by BITS.

Mrs. Syeda Minhaj Fatima
Asst. Professor
- MTech n Computer Science and Engineering from BITM Bellary, in the year 2017 VTU.
- B.E. From BMSCE Bangalore, VTU
- Presently working as Assistant Professor, in Navodaya Institute of Technolgy,Raichur from February 2020 to till date.

Ms. Megha.D
Assistant Professor
- M.Tech in REVA UNIVERSITY, Bangalore, with 9.51 CGPA marks in 2021.
- B.E in Computer Science & Engineering from SLN College of Engineering,Raichur under VTU,with 66.4% marks in 2019.
- Presently working as an Assistant Professor in Navodaya institute of technology, Raichur, from October 1st 20 till date.
- “Identifying the Risk Using Health Sensors with The Help of IOT And Machine Learning” published in Design engineering(Toronto)-SCOPUS Journal , 3rd International Conference on Advanced in Computing & Information Technology(IACIT-2021)-17TH-18TH MAY 2021
- Five- days workshop on “Social Media and Learning Resources”

Mrs. Swapna
Assistant Professor
- M.Tech in CSE from BNMIT, Bangalore, with 76.5% marks in 2012.
- B.E in Computer Science & Engineering from SVCE, Bangalore under VTU, with 74.8% marks in 2010.
- Currently working in NETS NITR from 1/11/2021
- SKUCET , Ananthapur -7 years
- Two-day faculty development program on “DATASCIENCE” with TCS on April-3rd-4th
- Three-day FDP on“BIGDATAANALYTICS”withTCS20th-22nd Feb 2017
- 12-day FDP on “SOFTWARE ENGINEERING” organized by Electronics & ICT Academy, NIT-Warangal from 17th -28th JUNE-2016 and secured grade“A”in test conducted.
- National level workshop on IOT at SKU College of Engineering and Technology Workshop on “Innovationsin Technology” at JNTUA.
- Presented a technical paper titled “Porting Configpages to NextGen UI Framework of WASSCM ”on“ current Trends in computer science& engineering”
- “Enabling Privacy And Continuous Identity Verification For Secure Web Services”in international journal of researche-ISSN:2348-6848,P-ISSN:2348-795X, volume 04 issue 09 august 2017.

Mrs. Mahjabeen
Assistant Professor
- M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering from BITS, Adoni, with 72% marks in 2015.
- B.E in Information Science & Engineering from SLN, Raichur under VTU, with 65% marks in 2006.
- Presently working as an Assistant Professor in Navodaya institute of technology, Raichur, from October 1st 20 till date.
- Synergy Institute of Management & Sunrise Degree College from July 2019
- Government Engineering College from Aug 2012 to Jun 2013
- IIHT from Aug 2006 to July 2012
- Five-day faculty development program on “DESIGN THINKING” By VTU, Mysore
- Five-day FDP on “Social Media and Learning Resources” organised by NITTTR, Chennai
- “Decentralized Access Control of Data Stored in Cloud using Encryption”
- “Cloud-Assisted Content Sharing Networks on Attribute-Based Access to scalable Media”

Mr. Sreenivas A
Assistant Professor
- Learning for NLP &Computer Vision
- Cloud Infrastructure (AWS)
- ChatGPT & Generative AI.
- Fundamentals Of Full Stack Development.
- Transforming Education with AI Tools & Techniques.
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning
- Machine Learning Algorithm
- Internet of Things
- Participated in National level paper presentation on wireless technology
Technical Certification:
- C certification from NIIT,
- C++ certification from Aptech
- Applied Machine learning in Python from Coursera.

Mrs. Vishwabharathi
Assistant Professor
- M.Tech in VLSI Design & Embedded System, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, BITM, Ballari.
- B.E in Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SLN College Raichur.
- Currently working as an Assistant Professor from 18 April 2022 to Till date in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Navodaya Institute of Technology Raichur-584103, Karnataka.
- Worked as an Assistant professor for 5 years in APPA IET, Kalaburagi, and Karnataka.
- Worked as a Lecturer for 1year in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur, and Karnataka.
- Workshop on “Designing and Modelling of IOT,AI &ML Systems” ,organized by ATAL Academy, ARM Education & STMicroelectronics, AICTE
- National level One Day Webinar on "Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning", organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur, Karnataka.
- National “INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY” awareness mission.

Ms. Sara Tahniyath
Assistant Professor
- M.tech in Computer Science Engineering, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Nizam Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.
- B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Shadan Women’s College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.
- Currently working as an Assistant professor of Computer Science in Department of Computer Science, Navodaya institute of Technology, Raichur-584103, Karnataka.
- Worked as a Field Co-coordinator in an NGO that conducts activity-based camps in government and low-cost private schools to improve their communication skills and boosts their confidence.
- Worked as a guest lecturer in Government Polytechnic College.
Seminars / Workshop / Conferences / FDPs:
- Project on ‘Detection and Localization of multiple spoofing attackers in wireless Network’. Seminar on Sixth Sense technology.
- National level workshop on Research methodologies in computer science organized by department of computer science and engineering.
- IEEE project on ‘Cell breathing techniques for load balancing in WLANs ’ . With the help of this project we present a new technique that achieves load balancing by reducing the cell size of congested APs , which is conceptually similar to so called cell breathing methods in cellular networks.
- Participated in paper presentation on Image Processing held by ISTE.
- Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals
- Fundamentals Of Full Stack Development.
- Cybersecurity.
- Applications Of Business Analytics.
- Advanced Excel, Power BI & Tableau.
- Cloud Infrastructure(AWS).
- Advanced and Technical Computing with Matlab.
- Transforming Education with AI Tools & Techniques.
- Battery Management System.
- Protecting Trade Secrets

Ms. Sukanya
Assistant Professor
- M.Tech in Software Engineering from JNTU, Anantapur, A.P with 7.85 CGPA in 2023
- B.Tech in C.S.E from SLN College of Engineering,Raichur affiliated to VTU with 70% in 2015
- Presently working as an Assistant Professor in Navodaya institute of technology, Raichur, from July 2023 till date.
- ChatGPT & Generative AI.
- Fundamentals Of Full Stack Development.
- Cybersecurity.
- Applications Of Business Analytics.
- Advanced Excel,Power BI & Tableau.
- Cloud Infrastructure(AWS).
- AI Enabled AR/VR in Communication & Signal Processing Applications.
- Transforming Education with AI Tools & Techniques.
- Internet Of Things.
- Trends in Bioengineering.
- Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning.
- Battery Management System.
Technical Certifications:
- Software Testing(Java & Selenium) from QSPIDERS,Bangalore.
- Applied Machine in Python from Coursera.

Mrs. Muskan Arakeripatel
Assistant Professor
- M.Tech in CNE from SECAB Institute of Engineering & Technology,Bijapur
- VTU University Belgaum with 81% in 2022.
- B.Tech in C.S.E from SECAB Institute of Engineering & Technology,Bijapur
- VTU University Belgaum with 7.4 CGPA in 2020.
- Presently working as an Assistant Professor in Navodaya institute of technology, Raichur, from August 2023 till date.
- Fundamentals Of Full Stack Development.
- Cybersecurity.
- Applications Of Business Analytics.
- Advanced Excel,Power BI & Tableau.
- AI Enabled AR/VR in Communication & Signal Processing Applications.
- Transforming Education with AI Tools & Techniques.
- Trends in Bioengineering.
- Battery Management System.
Technical Certifications:
- Python Programming.
- AWS Cloud Practioner.

Ms.Maimuna Saniya
Assistant Professor
- M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering from JNTU, Anantapur, A.P with 8.4CGPA in 2022.
- B.Tech in C.S.E from Government Engineering College, Raichur affiliated to VTU with 6.9 CGPA in 2020
- Presently working as an Assistant Professor in Navodaya institute of technology, Raichur, from August 2023 till date.
- Transforming Education with AI Tools & Techniques.
National level FDP on "Tools for Research Excellence"
NLP, Computer vision & Artificial intelligence
ChatGPT & Prompt Engineering
Webinar on " Recent Developments and Trends in Electrical Engineering"
Python Programming & SQL
Cloud Computing & DevOps
Machine Learning & Artificial intelligence
- Trends in Bioengineering.
- Battery Management System.
- Data Science for Engineers from NPTEL Online Certification.

Ms. Saniya Zafar
Assistant Professor
- M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering from JNTU, Anantapur, A.P with 8.4CGPA in 2022.
- B.Tech in C.S.E from Government Engineering College,Raichur affiliated to VTU with 7.21 CGPA in 2020
- Presently working as an Assistant Professor in Navodaya institute of technology, Raichur, from August 2023 till date.
- ChatGPT & Generative AI.
- Fundamentals Of Full Stack Development.
- Cybersecurity.
- Applications Of Business Analytics.
- Advanced Excel,Power BI & Tableau.
- AI Enabled AR/VR in Communication & Signal Processing Applications.
- Transforming Education with AI Tools & Techniques.
- Trends in Bioengineering.
- Battery Management System.
Technical Certifications:
- Software Testing(Java & Selenium) from SHS Infotech in Raichur.
- Salesforce CRM from Naresh i Technologies in Hyderabad.
- Data Science for Engineers from NPTEL Online Certification.

Ms. Sireesha
Assistant Professor
- M.Tech in Computer Network Engineering from M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore affiliated to VTU with 8.76 CGPA in 2023.
- B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering from Presidency University,Bangalore with 8.16 CGPA in 2021
- Presently working as an Assistant Professor in Navodaya institute of technology, Raichur, from August 2023 till date.
- ChatGPT & Generative AI.
- Fundamentals Of Full Stack Development.
- Cybersecurity.
- Applications Of Business Analytics.
- Advanced Excel,Power BI & Tableau.
- Transforming Education with AI Tools & Techniques.
- Trends in Bioengineering.
Technical Certifications:
- Software Defined Networking from the University of Chicago and offered through Coursera.

Assistant Professor
- Mtech in VLSI DESIGN at Glocal University , Sharanpur, UP, 2023
- B.E in Electronics & Communication at Navodaya Institute of Technology under VTU University, Belgaum in the year 2003
- Currently working as an Assistant Professor from May 2023 to till date in Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur
- Publication on IJIREEICE in the year 2015.Volume 3,1.612
- Publication on IJSR in the year 2015.Volume 12,1.405
- Publication on IJET in the year 2016. Volume 92-96
- Publication on IJERT in the year 2017.Volume 6,ISSN:2278-0181, ISSN:2249-3255
- Workshop on Image Analysis in Matlab at KBN GULBARGA,2017
- International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering & Technology at BKIT, Bhalki, 3 Days,2017
- National Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering & Technology at BKIT, Bhalki, 2 Days,2018
- National Conference on Innovative & Emerging Trends in Engineering & Management at Alva’s Institute of Engineering & Technology, Moodbidri,2 Days,2019
- National Conference On Advancements in Engineering & Technology at SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, May-20p20