- M.Tech in Digital communication Engineering, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, BMS college of Engineering ,Bangalore, Karnataka
- B.E in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SLN College of Engineering, Raichur, Karnataka
- Currently working as an Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Navodaya Institute of Technology Raichur-584103, Karnataka
- Worked as Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering , New Horizon College of Engineering , Bangalore, Karnataka
- Worked as Technical Lead for the Wipro Technologies Ltd, Banagalore, Karnataka
- Worked as Onsite Team Manager for Cloud Engineers on SOLV project , with ACC Cloud service providers, at Bangalore , Krnataka
- Completed ICEN , Wipro Certified Access Signalling Technology Domain certification
- Completed Wind River , Wipro Certified VxWorks 6.X Certification
- Participated Wipro 10X , Engineering Faculty Workshop conducted at NHCE , Bangalore
- Participated an AICTE Sponsored , 2 week National Level Technical Faculty Development Program on “ RESEARCH FRONTIERS IN ADVANCED NETWORKING, SECURITY AND IOT – A TOOL DRIVEN APPROACH “.
- Participated an Faculty Development Program on “ Andragogical Approaches to Teaching Process” , organised by QA and Skill Development Centre at NHCE
- Participated an Faculty Development Program on “ Preparation Of Rubrics – an assessment tool ” , organised by QA and Skill Development Centre at NHCE
- Attended a 3 day training program on Network Simulator ns-2 Organised by Department of ECE at BMSCE , Bangalore.
- Attended a Short course on “ mmWave MIMO and Filter Bank Multi – Carrier Technologies for 5G Networks”, Organised by Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, at Ramaiah Institute of Technology , Bangalore
- Participated in CVX-MATLAB Capstone Projects , conducted at Ramaiah Institute of Technology , Bangalore
- Participated in National conference “ Recent trends in Communication“ Organised at NHCE, Bangalore
- Participated in IBMSkill Labs, and Dell Labs , Women Empowerment programs.
- Took certifications on Pyhon, Datascience & ML from INSAID Academy