- Doctor of Philosophy (Electrical Engineering) in the year 2020 from Sri Satya Sai University of Technology and Medical Sciences (SSSUTMS), Bhopal.
- Master of Technology (Power Electronics) from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad during 2011-13.
- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) from Kakatiya University, Warangal during 2003-2007
- Intermediate from  Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education in 2003
- Secondary School Certificate from Andhra Pradesh Board of secondary Education in 2001.
- Currently working as an Associate Professor in Electronics and Communication Engineering Navodaya Institute of Technology Raichur-584103, Karnataka
- Worked as an Assistant Professor, Dept of EEE at Swarna Bharathi Institute of Science & Technology (SBIT), Telangana, India.
- Worked as an Assistant Professor, Dept of EEE at Swarna Bharathi College of Engineering (SBCE), Telangana, India.
- Worked as an Assistant Professor, Dept of EEE at Sree Kavitha Engineering College, Telangana, India.
- Worked as an Assistant Professor, Dept of EEE at Vidya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Telangana, India.
- Dynamic Voltage Restorer with Fuzzy Logic Controller Controlling And Performanceâ on ISSN 2348â2370 Vol.08, Issue.04, April-2016, Pages:0776-0782 ,IJATIR.
- Â Battery Energy Storage System of Dynamic Stability for Microgrid on ISSN 2319-8885, Volume No.05, Issue No.09, April-2016., IJSETR.
- Review of Tranformerless Inverter Topologies for Ground Leakage Current Reduction in Grid Connected Distributed Systems on ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 08, 2020, JOURNAL OF CRITICAL REVIEWS.
- Simulation Of High Efficient Tranformerless Inverter Topologies For Ground Leakage Currents Reduction In Grid Connected Distributed Systems ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 27049 â 27058, March-April 2020, TEST Engineering and Management.
- âPerformance Comparison of single-phase transformer less PV Inverter Systemsâ International Conference On Recent Advances in Engineering, Science, Technology, Humanities and Management (ICRAESTHM â 2019) organized by e IJRPB Academic Conferences on on25th August, 2019.
- Â âAn improved transformerless grid connected photovoltaic inverter with reduced leakage current â in International Conference On Emerging Trends in Engineering, Management, Arts, Science and Technology (ICETEMAST â 2020)â organized by IJAMSR Research Foundation on 5thJanuary, 2020
- Participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Blended/Hybrid FDP on “Simulation of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Systems” from 2022-11-14-2022-11-19 to 2022-11-21-2022-11-25 at MATURI VENKATA SUBBA RAO ENGINEERING COLLEGE
- Participated in the ISTE Sponsored 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations in Mechanical Artificial Intelligence and Bio-Mechanical Engineering – ICRIMAIBE 2022 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering. Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur held virtually on 29th and 30th July 2022.
- Organized and Participated in IP Awareness/Training program â National Intellectual Property awareness mission â conducted by Intellectual Property Office, India on November 28,2022.
- Participated in DST-PURSE Sponsored Five Days National Level STTP on âFPGA BASED CONTROLLERS FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING APPLICATIONSâ organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu, 603 203 during 22nd to 26th August 2022
- Participated in a webinar onâMonitoring System for a grid connected photovoltaic Plantâ on 12th August 2020 , organized by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering.Swarna Bharathi Institute of science and technology.
- Participated in a Webinar on âRenewable Sources of Energyâ, jointly organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Technology Centre for Renewable Energy, MSAJCE and We POWER Programme (Supported by World Bank Group on Energy and Extractives), Chennai on 11-07-2020.
- A 5-Day Online Faculty Development Programme on âPOWER ELECTRONIC CONVERTERS & ITâS REAL TIME APPLICATIONSâ, Organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sri Vasavi Engineering College (Autonomous), Andhra Pradesh, held during 21st – 25th July 2020
- Participated in the Five âDay FDP on â RECENT TRENDS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGâ Organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vishnu institute of Technology , Bhimavaram during 8th June 2020 to 12th June 2020
- Participated in one week workshop onâGLOBAL TRENDS IN RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS AND SMART GRIDSâ organized by EEE department CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad from 21st to 25th November 2016
- Participated in one Week National level FDP and online Training on â SCILAB- An open Source Substitute for MATLABâ Jointly organized by JNTUH College of Engineering , Sultanpur, Sangareddy( Dt) and Spoken Tutorial Project IIT Bambay from 25th may 2020 to 30th may 2020
- Participated in Short âterm Course on âINSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN & DELIVERY SYSTEMSâ for Education Conducted by National Institute of technical teachers training & research, Chennai from 07th to 11th Jan 2011.
- Participated in one week workshop on âACCREDITATION AND CERTIFICATION OF TVET INSTITUTIONS & ENCHANCING QUALITY OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION THROUGH ACCREDITATIONâ for Education Conducted by National Institute of technical teachers training & research, Chennai from 09th TO 13th Jan 2012.
- A two day national level workshop on âDEVELOPMENT & DIAGNOSTICS OF SUBSTATION EQUIPMENTSâ organized by EEED, at SBIT, Khammam on 30th&31st March-2012
- Participated in one week workshop on âINNOVATIVE PADAGOGY IN CHALLENGING TIMESâorganized by EEED, at SBIT, Khammam from 7st to 12thSeptember 2015.