- M.Tech in Highway Technology, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru.
- B.E in Civil Engineering, Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot
- PUC, S.M.J. PUScience College, Sindhanur
- S.S.L.C, R.K.M.V.S, High school, Sindhanur
- Presently working as Assistant Professor, in Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur from : 01/12/2017 to Till Date
- SantoshKumar “Experimental Evaluation on the Performance of Cold Mix Asphalt in Comparison with Hot Mix Asphalt for BC Layer”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538 Volume 10 Issue VI June 2022.
- Santosh Kumar, Panduranga B, Priyanka Patil: “Experimental Investigation on HMA by using RAP Material (BC Roads)” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020, e-ISSN: 2395-0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072.
- Santosh Kumar,Nagesh Sugandhi and Rajmohan B: “Insertion of Nano silica and Metakaolin as Additive in Reactive Powder Concrete” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 07 Issue: 03 | March 2020, e-ISSN: 2395-0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072.
- Santosh Kumar, Ramesh B and Nagesh Sugandhi “Laboratory Studies on Stone Matrix Asphalt mix prepared using Lime and cement as Filler material and Cellulose Arbocel Fibre” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 07 Issue: 01 | Jan 2020, e-ISSN: 2395-0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072.
- Santosh Kumar and Shiva Prasad N “Experimental Investigation on Stone Matrix Asphalt Mixtures using Arbocel Fibre” International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017 eISSN 2319-7064, p-ISSN: 885-892
- SantoshKumar : “Laboratory Performance on Stone Matrix Asphalt Mixtures by Using Arbocel Fibre”, 3rd National Virtual Conference on Recent Advances & Trends in Civil Engineering 2022 organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Vemu Institute of Technology, Chittur, Andra Pradesh, during 14-15th October 2022.
- SantoshKumar : “Laboratory Performance on HMA Mix by using RAP Material (BC Roads 2nd National Virtual Conference on Recent Advances & Trends in Civil
- Engineering 2021 organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Vemu Institute of Technology, Chittur, Andra Pradesh, during 13-14th August 2021.
- SantoshKumar and Shiva Prasad N : “ Laboratory Performance on Stone Matrix Asphalt Mixtures using Arbocel fibre” International Conference on Pavements and Computational Approaches Organized by CRRI- Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi and Held at CSIR during November 16-17, 2018.
- SantoshKumar: “An Experimental Study on Thin Stone Matrix Asphalt using Arbocel Fibre” National Conference on Advances & Trends in Civil Engineering 2017 organized by Department of Civil Engineering, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru, during Sept 1st, 2017.
- Attended a FDP programme on “Advances in Concrete and Construction Technology” organized by civil engineering department, held at SECAB I.E.T. Vijayapur, during February 4th to 8th , 2020
- Attended a FDP programme on “Instrumental Model for Outcome Based Education” conducted by NITTTR – Chennai held at NIT- Raichur, during 27th july to august 1st
- Participated in the one week online FDP Programme on “Sustainable Materials and Pavement Performance Design, Construction and Maintenance” organized by Department of civil engineering, Sreyas Institute of technology, from 26th April to May 1st
- Participated in the one week online FDP Programme on “Sustainable Smart Cities” organized by Department of civil engineering, Chennai Institute of technology, from 15th June to 19th June, 2020.
- Participated in the 3 days online FDP Programme on “Pavement design, Construction and Rehabilitation” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Vignana Bharathi Institute of technology (Autonomous) In Association with Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge and Indian Concrete Institute – Hyderabad and Bengaluru Centres, from 25th June to 27th June, 2020.
- Participated and Completed Successfully AICTE Training and Learning(ATAL) Academy, one week online FDP Programme on “Sustainable Smart Cities” organized by Department of civil engineering, SR College of Engineering , from 21/09/2020 to 25/09/2020.
- Attended a FDP programme on “Virtual Labs for affiliated Engineering colleges under VTU Belagavi” organized by VTU Belagave in association with NITK Surathkal, Karnataka on 19th October 2020.
- Attended a 2 hour training on “The step by step Guide to write a review paper” on 13th March 2020 organized by Research Graduate.
- Participated in the 3 days online workshop on “Advances in Highway System – 2020” organized by Department of CTM, DSCE Bengaluru, in Association with Department of civil engineering Govt. SKSJTI Bengaluru and ICT Bengaluru Centre, from 23rd June to 25th June, 2020.
- Participated in the two day National Level Workshop on “Sustainable Practices in Geotechnical and Structural Engineering” organized by Department of civil engineering, NIT-Raichur, on 6th & 7th November , 2019.
- Participated in the National Symposium on “ Geo-technics for Sustainable Infrastructure Development” conducted by Civil Engineering Department, BEC Bagalkot and REC Bijnor on 26th – 27th July 2019.
- Attended 2 Days 4th National Conference on “INFRA – ROAD TECH” organised by RASTA – Bengaluru, during April 4-5 2019.
- Attended One day workshop on “A System Approach to Traffic Safety (ASATS-2017)”, organized by Department of CTM & HT, DSCE Bengaluru.
- Attended 2 Days 3rd National Conference on “Transportation Systems Engineering and Management (CTSEM-2017)”, organized by Civil Engineering Department, BMS College of Engineering Bengaluru.
- Attended One day workshop on “Urban Transportation Management (UTM-2017)”, organized by Association of Bengaluru University Highway Engineering Alumni.
- Attended One day workshop on “Perceptive Insight of Transportation Systems for Smart Cities”, organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Cambridge Institute of Technology in Bengaluru.
- Participated in 2 days National Webinar on “Solutions to few burning problems in the field of Civil Engineering” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Govt. Engineering College, Haveri, held from 17th June, 2021 to 18th June 2021.
- Participated in 4 days National Level Webinar on “Sustainable Material Development and Marketing Strategies for Urban India” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, SR University and Centre for Construction Materials, Warangal, Telagnaa, held from 16/06/2021 to 19/06/2021.
- Participated in Two days International Webinar on “Social Distancing Norms for Transportation in COVID-19 Need and Challenges” organized by CSIR- Central Road Research Institute , New Delhi, from 15th May to 16th May, 2020.
- Participated in one day National Webinar on “Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures and Flexible Pavement Design as per IRC Standards” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Sethu Institute of Technology, Pullur, Virudhunagar, on 30/05/2020.
- Participated in one day National Webinar on “Sustainable Construction in Flexible Paved Structures” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, SECAB Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vijaypur, on 9th June 2020.
- Participated in one day Webinar on “Vastu Shastra in Modern Civil Engineering” organized by ASCE-ISWR and ICT Nagpur Centre, in Association with KDK College of Engineering, Nagpur, India, on 10th June, 2020.
- Participated in one day National Webinar on “Critical Review of Bituminous Mixes in Indian Scenario” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Govt. Engineering College, Haveri, on 22nd June, 2020.
- Participated in one day National Webinar on “ASCE INFRASTRUCTURE REPORT CARD” organized by ASCE-ISWR, in Association with KDK College of Engineering, Nagpur, India, on 25th June, 2020.
- Participated in one day National Webinar on “The Recent Advances in Transportation Engineering” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Govt. Engineering College, Haveri, on 27/06/2020.
- Participated in one day Webinar on “Modelling of Geotechnical Construction Processes on the Centrifuge a Few examples” organized by ASCE-ISWR and ICT Nagpur Centre, in Association with KDK College of Engineering, Nagpur, India, on 29th June, 2020.
- Attended the one day International Webinar on “Constructional Aspects of Rigid Pavements” organized by Department of Civil Engneering, SJCIT, Chickballapur, and Karnataka, dated 20/08/2020.
- Participated in one day National Webinar on “Sensors and Sensing Technology for Structural Health Monitoring”, organized by Department of ECE, Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur, on 09/10/ 2020.