- Pursuing Ph. D in Material Science Engineering at VISTAS, Chennai.
- M.Tech in Machine Design at Bangalore Institute of Technology
- B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur
- Diploma in Mechanical Engineering at HKES Polytechnic College, Raichur
- Working as Assistant Professor at Navodaya Institute of Technology
- CAE Engineer at Fe Solve Engineering Services
- Zeeshan Ali, T Jagadish, Madeva Nagaral, V Aurad ‘Influence of nano Zirconium Oxide particles on the mechanical behavior of Copper alloy Composites’ in Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), May 2018, Volume 5, Issue 5 pp 836-839. ISSN-2349-5162.
- Zeeshan Ali, Pradeep Kumar Ilay, Mohd Umar, Madeva Nagaral ‘Investigations of Mechanical Properties on Copper Alloy & Graphite as Renforcement’ in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2019, Volume 7, Issue 7 pp 1- 4. ISSN-2278-0181.
- Pradeep Kumar Ilay, Dr. Girisha L, Zeeshan Ali ‘Experimental Investigations of Mechanical Properties on Epoxy based Natural Hybrid Composites’ in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2019, Volume 7, Issue 7 pp 1-4. ISSN-2278-0181.
- M D Umar, Zeeshan Ali, Meer Ashfaqwali, Syed Mudasser Ul Huq, Mohammed Irfan, Mohmmed sohail chowdary ‘Mechanical Behavior of Aluminium-7075 Reinforced with Boron Carbide (B4C) and Graphite (Gr) Synthesized by Stir Casting’ in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5 pp 5204-5208. ISSN-2395-0056.
- Zeeshan Ali, M D Umar, Syed Mudasser Ul Huq, Mohammed Sohail Chowdary, Mohammed Irfan, Meer Ashfaqwali ‘Characterization of Aluminium-7075 Reinforced with Boron Carbide (B4C) Synthesized by Stir Casting’ in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), June 2019, Volume 8, Issue 6 pp 419-421. ISSN-2278-0181.
- Rajashakarappa, Zeeshan Ali, Chandrashekhar. M Sudeep Pavitra ‘Mechanical Behavior of Aluminium-2024 Reinforced with Boron-Carbide (B4C) and Fly ash Synthesized by Stir Casting’ in International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD), 2019, Volume 7, Issue 4 pp 498-500. ISSN-2321-0613.
- Rajashakarappa, Zeeshan Ali, Lavanya T R ‘Mechanical Behavior of Aluminium-2024 Reinforced with Fly ash Synthesized by Stir Casting’ in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), June 2019, Volume 8, Issue 6 pp 19-22. ISSN-2278-0181.
- M D Umar, Zeeshan Ali, Mohammed Aleem Afreed, Mohammed Rameez Ahmed, Mohammed Feroz Ahmed, Mukranja Shaik Shaibazq āStudy of Mechanical Behavior of Al-7010 Reinforced with ZrO2 for Aerospace Applicationā in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 9 Issue 09, September-2020 pp 1028-1032 ISSN-2278-0181.
- Zeeshan Ali, V. Muthuraman, P Rathnakumar, P. Gurusamy, Madeva Nagaral āInvestigation on the tribological properties of copper alloy reinforced with Gr/Zro2 particulates by stir casting routeā in Materials today proceedings ELSEVIER, Materials Today: Proceedings 33 (2020) pp 3449ā3453.
- Zeeshan Ali, P Rathnakumar, Mohammed Ashfaq Hussain, Roma E, Mohammed Afridi, S Sampath Kumarā Investigation of Chemical Properties of Pyrolysis Oil Extracted from Waste Plasticsā in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 9 Issue 11, November-2020 pp 124-130 ISSN-2278-0181.
- M. V. Mallikarjuna, Zeeshan Ali, M. Tejaswini, J R Priya, Rohit, Soumya āM. āSmart Finger Millet Seed Extracting Machineā in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 10 Issue 04, April-2021 pp 373-377 ISSN: 2278- 0181.
- Zeeshan Ali, V. Muthuraman, P Rathnakumar, P. Gurusamy, Madeva Nagaral, ‘Studies on Mechanical Properties of 3 wt. % of 40 and 90 micron size B4C Particulates Reinforced A356 alloy Composites’ in Materials today proceedings ELSEVIER, Volume52, part 3, 2022, Pages 494-499
- Zeeshan Ali, P Rathnakumar, Mohammed Ashfaq Hussain, Roma E, Madeva Nagaral, ‘Jet fuel produced fromwaste plastic with graphite as a catalyst’, in Materials today proceedings ELSEVIER, Volume52, part 3, 2022, Pages 716-723.
- Zeeshan Ali, Mohammed Ashfaq Hussain, Roma E, P Rathnakumar, Madeva Nagaral, V. Muthuraman, Review on Hardfacing of Nickel Based Alloy on Ss316l Composites, in Indian journal of natural sciences, Vol. 12/Issue 68/ October 2021, ISSN: 0976- 0997.
- Priyankar D, Zeeshan Ali, Madeva Nagaral, P Rathnakumar, V. Muthuraman, ‘Microstructure and Evolution of Mechanical Properties of Cu-Sn alloy with Graphite and nano Zirconium Oxide Particulates’ in Materials today proceedings ELSEVIER, Volume52, part 3, 2022, Pages 296-300.
- Anantachar M, P Rathnakumar, Zeeshan Ali, Ravi Kulkarni, MD Umar, Priyankar D, Madeva Nagaral, ‘Review on Hardfacing of Nickel Based Alloy on Ss316l Composites’ in Indian journal of natural sciences, Vol. 12/Issue 69/ December 2021, ISSN: 0976-0997.
- Honnappa, Faheem Akthar, P Rathnakumar, Imran Basha, Zeeshan Ali, Madeva Nagaral, ‘Enhancement of Heat Transfer using Nano Fluids in a Mini-Radiator’ in Materials today proceedings ELSEVIER, Volume52, part 3, 2022, Pages 1749-1755.
- Md Aamir Sohail, Ravi Kulkarni H, Faheem Akthar, P Rathnakumar, Zeeshan Ali, Madeva Nagaral, āInvestigation of Heat Transfer on two
- Adjacent Narrow Plates with Natural Convectionā Int. J. of Adv. Res. 9 (Nov). 302-312] (ISSN 2320-5407).
- Rashmi p Shetty,TS Mahesh Zeeshan Ali, Madeva Nagaral, ‘Studies on mechanical behaviour and tensile fractography of boron carbide particles reinforced Al8081 alloy advanced metal composites’ in Materials today proceedings ELSEVIER ,Volume52, part 3, 2022, Pages 2115-2120.
- Zeeshan Ali, V. Muthuraman, P Rathnakumar, P. Gurusamy, Madeva Nagaral, ‘Investigation of Mechanical Properties 0f Al-7si with 6 Wt% 0f 40 and 90 Micron Size Boron Carbide Metal Matrix Composite’ in Journal of Mines, minerals and jet fuel, (Accepted for publication)
- Zeeshan Ali, V. Muthuraman, P Rathnakumar, P. Gurusamy, Madeva Nagaral, ‘Influence of B4C particle size on the mechanical behaviour of A356 aluminium compositesā in Research on Engineering Structures and Materials, (Accepted for publication)
- Ansari Faiyaz Ahmed, S. Sivamani, Samdani Peerusab, Izhar Ahmed, Mohammed Ibrahim Shaikh, Zeeshan Ali, āInvestigations on Mechanical Behaviour of Nano Zirconium Oxide and Graphite Particles Reinforced Cu-Sn Alloy Metal Composites’ in Materials today proceedings ELSEVIER, (Accepted for publication)
Sl.NO | Reference Number and date of filling | Inventor (s) | Title of the Patent | Agency | Status (Granted /Filed) |
1 | 2021104264/ 17.07.21 | Zeeshan Ali | An IOT based lithium-ion battery Management for Micro Mobility | Australian Patent | Granted on 25th day of August 2021 |
2 | 2021104286/ 18.07.21 | Zeeshan Ali | A New approach to Eliminating Carbon Particles from Diesel Exhaust | Australian Patent | Granted on 11th day of May 2022 |
Sl.NO | Project Title | Reference Number | Amount Received |
1 | Noval Technology for Conversion of Plastic as Diesel by Pyrolysis process | 43S_BE_0082 | 6000 |
2 | Eco-Friendly Production of Jet Fuel from Waste Plastic using Pyrolysis Process | 44S_BE_2101 | 6000 |
3 | Design of a Unique Water Bottle that uses Natural Flax Fibres and Recycled High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) to Reduce Plastic Waste by 30% | 45S_BE_2036 | 7000 |
- Received Young Scientist Award for the academy year 2021-22 from Novel Research Academy-Registered under Govt. of India Pondicherry.
- Received best teacher award in AY 2021-22 from Institute for securing 100% results in Academic engagements.SEMINARS/ WORKSHOPS/CONFERENCES:
- Carried out internship in BIG STAMP TECHNOLOGIES Pvt.Ltd. from 1st August 2017 to 31st October 2017.
- Organized One Day Guest Lecture on āImportance of Materials and Design in Aerospace Domain” 7th Sept 2019 at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur. Karnataka.
- Attended two-day National level Workshop on Micromachining and Nanotechnology in Smart Manufacturing from 18th – 19th October, 2019 at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur.
- Attended one week National Level Online Faculty Development Program on “Online Teaching-Learning Processes using ICT Tools for Education 4.0” organized by Department of Information Technology, SVPCET.
- Attended 5 days Faculty Development Program on “Emerging Engineering Materials” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with ISME from 1st to 5th June 2020.
- Attended one week National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on āAdvanced Materials, Machining and Characterization,ā during 06th to 10th, July 2020, organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology.
- Attended online Faculty Development Program in association with AICTE on New & Emerging Technology organized by ARK infosolutions pvt ltd from 28-6-2021 to 2-7- 2021.