- M.Tech in Electronics from Walchand Institute Of Technology, Solapur University in the year 2018
- B.E in Electronics & Communication from BMIT, Solapur in the year 2016
- Worked in MNC Name: Mphasis, an HP company Duration: from 2016 -2017
- Worked in Walchand Institute Of Technology, Solapur as Lecturer during January 2018 to July 2018
- Currently working as an Assistant Professor in the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur.
- Ms. Shireen K. Hussain, Dr. Sachin Gengaje (2018) Elimination Of Non Text Region By Text Localization In An Image Using Wavelet Transform, International Journal of Innovative Research & Technology (IJIRT) ISSN: 2349-6002,Vol. 5 Issue 1, JUNE-2018 936-940
- Ms. Shireen K. Hussain, Dr. Sachin Gengaje (2018) Image Text Localization, International Journal of Advanced Research of Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE), ISSN(O): 2395-4396, Vol. 4, Issue 3, 2018, 2366-2371
- One day workshop on “Soft skill course training of iPing Technologies Pvt.Ltd” , Pune in 2016, organized by Department of Electronics & telecommunication Engineering, brahmadev mane Institute of Technology, Solapur.
- Two day workshop on “Rishi cool Employability skill development program”, Solapur in 2016 organized by Department of Electronics & telecommunication Engineering, brahmadev mane Institute of Technology, Sholapur.
- One week program in Scientech company, Pune for learning: Product information and manufacturing process information of their product, Pune.
- Secured third prize for English article in college magazine at university level.
- Secured 1st prize in quiz competition at college level.
- Secured third prize for English interview at university level
- Awarded for mentoring students for NPTEL in microprocessors and microcontrollers by IIT Madras.