Dr. M. V. Mallikarjuna

Dr. P. Rathnakumar

Mr. MD Umar

Mr. Zeeshan Ali

Mr. Raja Shakarappa

Mr. Faheem Akthar

Mr. Srikar G Kulkarni

Mr. Pradeep Kumar llay

Imran Basha

Mr.Jagadeesh Alkur

Dr. M. V. Mallikarjuna
Principal & Professor
- Ph.D. from St.Peterâs University, Chennai in 2014 in the field of Alternative fuels for IC Engines
- M.Tech in PDA College Kalburgi, from Visveswaraiah Technological University (VTU), Belgaum being Thermal Power Engineering as specialization with distinction
- Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from S.V.Govt.Polytechnic, Tirupathi in 1987
- Principal at Navodaya Institute of Technology from June 2017 to Till Date
- Asst. Prof. in IACR Engineering College, Rayagada, Orissa and KSRM College of Engineering, Kadapa, A.P
- Associate Professor at QIS College of Engineering & Technology, in 2005
- Professor at QIS College of Engineering & Technology, in 2010
- As a Trainee Engineer in Kothari General Foods Corporation, Mysore from June 1991 to May 1994 (3-Years)
- As a contract lecturer in PVVP Polytechnic for 5 years
- Ramesh J, Dr. M V Mallikarjuna (2017) âStatic and Dynamic Analysis of 1KW Small Wind Turbine Blades by Various Materialsâ âINDIAN J.Sci.Resâ ISSN (Print) 0976-2876, ISSN (Online) 2250-0138.Pages 161-165
- Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(35), DOI: 10.17485/IJST/2016/v9i35/95577, September 2016 ISSN (Print): 0974-6846 ISSN (Online): 0974-5645. Performance Analysis of Variable Compression Ratio Diesel Engine using Calophyllum inophyllum Biodiesel, P. Bridjesh1*, M. V. Mallikarjuna
- M.V. Mallikarjun, Venkata Ramesh Mamilla, G.Lakshmi Naryana Rao, K.Purushothaman, âExperimental Exploration of CI Engine Fuelled With Mahua Oil And Diesel with Low Heat rejection Technique and by Varying Injection Pressureâ International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, ISSN:0976-3031.6
- M.V.Mallikarjun, Venkata Ramesh Mamilla, G.Lakshmi Naryana Rao, , K.Purushothaman, âExperimental Investigation of Compressed Ignition Engine Fuelled with Blends of Diesel and Mahua Oil and also by Varying Fuel Injection Pressuresâ International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, ISSN:0976-3031
- M.V.Mallikarjun, Venkata Ramesh Mamilla, G.Lakshmi Naryana Rao, âC.I.Engine Tested for Its Performance and Emission Levels with Minor Engine Modifications, Changing Fuel Conditions and also by Fuelling with Diesel-Madhuca Indica Oil Blendsâ International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Elsevier, ISSN: 0020-7403
- M.V.Mallikarjun, Venkata Ramesh Mamilla, G.Lakshmi Naryana Rao Investigations on the Performance and Exhaust Emissions of a Diesel Engine Using Preheated Madhuca Indica Oil as Fuelâ, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development Vol.1 (1), August 2011, pp.1-15
- M.V.Mallikarjun, Venkata Ramesh Mamilla, Lakshmi Naryana Rao, âExperimental Study of Exhaust Emission & Performance Analysis of S.I. Engine Using Methanol as an additiveâ, International Journal of Mechanical & Automobile Engineering, Vol.4(5), 2010, April 2010, pp.5-11Venkata Ramesh Mamilla, M.V.Mallikarjun, G.Lakshmi Naryana Rao, K.Purushothaman âPerformance and Emissions Characteristics of Single Cylinder 4 Stroke Water Cooled Diesel Engine from Jatropha Methyl Ester and Diesel Blendsâ International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, ISSN: 0976-3031
- Venkata Ramesh Mamilla, M.V.Mallikarjun, G.Lakshmi Naryana Rao, K.Purushothaman,â Emissions and Performance Characteristics of Diesel Engine from Blends of Karanja Methyl Ester and Dieselâ International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, ISSN: 0976-3031Venkata Ramesh Mamilla, M.V.Mallikarjun, G.Lakshmi Naryana Rao, âBiodiesel Production from palm oil by Transesterification Method âInternational Journal of Current Research, ISSN:0975-833X
- Venkata Ramesh Mamilla, M.V.Mallikarjun, G.Lakshmi Naryana Rao, âExperimental Investigation of Karanja, Jatropha, Sunflower, Palm and Waste cooking Methyl Esters as Biodiesel on C.I. Engine âInternational Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Elsevier, ISSN: 0020-7403Venkata Ramesh Mamilla, K.Chnadra Sekhar, M.V.Mallikarjun, G.Lakshmi Naryana Rao, âThe Effect of EGR on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of Four Stroke Single Cylinder Diesel Engineâ, International Journal of Mechanical & Automobile Engineering, Vol.4(5), April 2010,pp.64-68
- Venkata Ramesh Mamilla, M.V.Mallikarjun, G.Lakshmi Narayana Rao, âPerformance and Emission Characteristics of CI Engine Fuelled with Jatropha Methyl Ester/Diesel Blendsâ, International Journal of Mechanical & Automobile Engineering, Vol.5(7), July 2010, pp.01-05
- Venkata Ramesh Mamilla, S.C. Sireesha, M.V. Mallikarjun, G. Lakshmi Narayana Rao, âDesign and Fabrication of Biodiesel Plant for the Synthesis of Bio-fuels from Vegetable Oilsâ International Journal of Mechanical & Automobile Engineering Vol.5 (7), July 2010, pp.86-90
- Venkata Ramesh Mamilla, M.V.Mallikarjun, C.V.Subba Rao, G.Lakshmi Naryana Rao, âProduction of Hydrogen as a Fuelâ, International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Technology Vol. 2(1), March 2011,pp.185 â 189
- Venkata Ramesh Mamilla, M.V. Mallikarjun, G.Lakshmi Naryana Rao, âPreparation of Biodiesel from Karanja Oilâ, International Journal of Energy Engineering Vol.1 (2), June 2011, pp..94-100Venkata Ramesh Mamilla, M.V. Mallikarjun, G. Lakshmi Narayana Rao âIntroduction to Biodieselâ International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Technology (IJAET) E-ISSN 0976- 3945 Volume II Issue III / July/September 2011, pp. 243-245
- âExtraction of biodiesel from jatropha plantâ National Conference at KITS, Ramtek
- âThe effect of EGR on the performance and emission characteristics of four-stroke single-cylinder diesel engineâ National Conference on Recent Trends in Automotive Engineering VAAHAN 09 at NIT Rourkela, Orissa
- âDesign & fabrication of biodiesel plant for the synthesis of biofuels from Vegetable oilsâ National Conference on Recent Trends in Automotive Engineering VAAHAN 09 at NIT Rourkela, Orissa
- âPerformance and Emission Characteristics of CI Engine Fueled with Jatropha Methyl Ester/Diesel blendsâ National Conference on Recent Trends in Automotive Engineering VAAHAN 09 at NIT Rourkela, Orissa
- Instructional Design and Deliveryâ conducted by the National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research Centre, Chennai from 16-09-2005 to 18-09-2005
- Short Term Course on âInternational Congress on Renewable Energyâ ICORE-06 Organized by Solar Energy Society of India (SESI) at Hyderabad during 09-02-2006 TO 11-02-2006
- International Conference & XX National Conference on âI.C Engines and Combustionâ ICONICE-2007 on during 6-9, 2007 Organized by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad â 500 085
- One Day National Workshop on âExpert Systems in Welding and Recent Advances & Simulation in IC Enginesâ, Organized by Gokul Krishna College of Engineering on 27 December 2008, Sullurpet, Nellore District
- A Course on âComputational Structural Mechanicsâ Organized by the Structural Engineering Research Centre Chennai during January 21 & 23, 2009
- A One Day Workshop on âTQM & Exergy Analysisâ on 31 January 2009 Organized by PBR VITS, Kavali, Nellore District
- IQAC Member Secretary
- NAAC Steering Committee Coordinator for 2016 (A Grade -3.12)
- NBA Work Coordinator at the Institutional Level.
- OBE: Implementation Coordinator
- Presented a paper at the International Conference on Alternative Sources of Energy -13 (ICASE-13) at Taj Deccan, Hyderabad.
- Delivered Guest Lecture On Advancement in Thermal Engineering on 30-03-2016 atSVCE Nellore.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on Fundamental Concepts of Thermodynamics on 27-09-2016 at St. Marys Group of Institutions Chebrolu, Guntur.

Dr. P. Rathnakumar
Head of the Departrment
Dr. P. Rathna Kumar is the Head of the Department â Mechanical Engineering, NIT, Raichur. He worked in various positions in reputed Engineering Colleges in Tamil Nadu & Karnataka. Our department has a team of highly qualified and experienced faculty, well infra-structure and lab facilities. We are motivated & continuously to improve upon the quality of education and to maintain its position of leadership in Engineering and Technology. I am certain that our students will prove to be invaluable assets to an organisation. We always work with the motto "The Future of the World is in my Classroom Todayâ Come and join us, and be a successful part of our âCampus of Possibilities".
- Ph. D. in Heat Transfer Enhancement Techniques Anna university, Chennai (2015)
- M.E. in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Coimbatore Institute of Technology Coimbatore (1996)
- B.E in Mechanical Engineering Government College of Engineering, Salem-11 Madras University (1994)
Shodhganga@INFLIBNET : http://hdl.handle.net/10603/141139RESEARCH AND WORK EXPERIENCE:   Worked as a Service Engineer in Boss Air Conditioners, Salem during  April 1994 to July 1995.
- Worked as a Service Engineer in Boss Air Conditioners, Salem during              November 1996 to September 1998.
- Worked as an Assistant Professor in Department of Mechanical                    Engineering, V.M.K.V. Engineering College, Salem during October 1998 to June 2006.
- Worked as a Head of the Department in Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nandha Engineering College, Erode from June 2006 to      April 2008
- Worked as a Vice-Principal cum HoD in Department of Mechanical Engineering in JKK Munirajah college of Technology, Gobi from   18.08.2008 to 30.04.2012.
- Worked as a Vice-Principal cum HoD in Department of Mechanical Engineering in Shree Sathyam college of Engineering & Technology, Sankari from 02.05.2012 to 29.05.2015.
- Worked as a Professor in Department of Mechanical Engineering in Er.Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering, Hosur from 22.06.2015
to 24.03.2016.
- Currently working as, a Head & Professor in Department of Mechanical
Engineering in Navodaya institute of Technology Raichur, Karnataka from 25.03.2016 to till date.Research:  : Guiding projects for Under Graduate and Post Graduate students in the field of RenewableEnergy Sources, Heat transfer and Refrigeration system.: Doctorial Committee with Ph.D research work in the   field of Heat Transfer, Nanofluids and   Composite materials. Total experience in teaching and research â 24 yrs
- Approved Research Supervisor in Visvesvaraya Technological University, (VTU) Belgaum, and Karnataka. (ID:0817224)
- Member of Local Inquiry Committee (LIC) in VTU Belgaum, Karnataka.
- Nominated as a Research Advisory Doctorial Committee (RAC) Member for THREE research Ph.D Scholar in Vels University, Chennai.
- Thesis Evaluation for Ph.D Scholar in various Universities.(Anna university Chennai, Vels university etc.,)
- Fund Received from 43rd Series of Student Project Programme on KSCST, Karnataka in title of âNovel Technology for Conversion of Plastic as Diesel by Pyrolysis Processâ in AY 2019-20.(Ref.ID 43S_BE_0082)
- Fund Received from 44th Series of Student Project Programme on KSCST, Karnataka in title of âEco-Friendly Production of Jet Fuel from Waste Plastic using Pyrolysis Processâ in AY 2020-21. (Ref.ID 44S_BE_2101)
- Fund Received from 45th Series of Student Project Programme on KSCST, Karnataka in title of âDesign of a unique water bottle that uses natural flax fibres and recycled high density polyethylene (HDPE) to reduce plastic waste by 30%â in AY 2021-22. (Ref.ID 45S_BE_2036)
- Fund Received from ISTE sponsored International Conference in Recent Innovation in Mechanical Artificial Intelligence & Bio-Mechanical Engineering (ICRIMAIBE-2022) in AY 2021-22.
- Certificate of Appreciation from NPTEL for being recognized as NPTELâs brand ambassador Oct-2018.
- BEST SENIOR SCIENTIST AWARDÂ for the Academic year 2021-22 from Navel Research Academy- Pondicherry.
- Recognized certified member of the National Training & Placement officerâs Club by Skill academy.
Patent details
Sl.No | Reference Number | Inventor (s) | Title of the Patent work | Agency | Status(Granted/Filed) |
1 | 2021104264/25.08.21 | Dr.P.Rathnakumar | An IOT based lithium ion battery Management for Micro Mobility. | Australian Patent | Granted |
2 | 2021104286/11.05.22 | Dr.P.Rathnakumar | A New approach to Eliminating Carbon Particles from Diesel Exhaust | Australian Patent | Granted |
3 | 346733-001/29.12.22 | Dr.P.Rathnakumar | Collapsible Metal Detector | IndianPatent | Granted |
Books Published
Sl.No | Title of the Book | Publisher | Year of Publishing | ISBN Number |
1 | Industrial Robotics: Fundamentals,Technology, Programming and Applications | Scientific International Publishing House (SIPH) | 2022 | 978-93-94002-14-2 |
- Heat transferâ An International Journal
- Journal of Nanofluids â An International Journal
- International Journal of Mechanical Engineering ISSN (Print): 2319-2240 âAn International journal.
- International Journal of Research in Engineering & Technology,ISSN (Print): 2347-4599 âAn International journal
- Global Research and Development Journals (GRD Journals)-An International journal
- International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET) âAn International Journal
- International Journal of advances in Production and Mechanical Engineering (IJAPME) â An International Journal
- International Journal of Engineering & Management Research (IJEMR)-An International Journal
- SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SSRG-IJME)-An International Journal
- Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.-(BEIESP)
- International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN:2249-8958
- International Journal of Environmental Research (IJER) ISSN: 1735-6865
- P. Rathnakumar, K.Mayilsamy, S.Suresh and P.Murugesan (2013),âComparison of Heat Transfer and Friction Factor Characteristics of CNT based Nanofluids in a Circular Tube fitted With Helical Screw Inserts with Spacersâ, Journal of Nanofluids 2 (4), 274-282.
- P.Rathnakumar, K.Mayilsamy, S.Suresh and P.Murugesan (2014), âLaminar heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of CNT/water nanofluidsâ, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 14(3), 2400-2407. (A-I)
- P. Rathnakumar, K. Mayilsamy, S. Suresh and P.Murugesan (2013), âExperiments on turbulent heat transfer and friction factor in reaction with carbon nanotube based nanofluidsâ, International Journal of mechanical and materials Engineering 8 (2), 116-126.
- Rathnakumar, K. Mayilsamy, S. Suresh, & P. Murugesan, (2014),      âLaminar heat transfer and pressure drop in tube fitted with helical louvered rod inserts using CNT/water nanofluidsâ, Journal of Bionanoscience, vol. 8, no.3, pp. 160- 170.
- Rathnakumar, Suresh S, & Manjunath Basude (2016), âHeat transfer Enhancements for nanofluid by turbulent flowâ, Indian Journal of science and Technology, vol.9, S (1), pp. 1-7.
- S Vigneshwaran, P Rathnakumar, and P Rajasekaran (2016), âStudy of  sliding wear rate of hot rolled steel specimen subjected to Zirconia coating of various thicknessâ International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, vol. 6, no.2, pp. 87-92.
- Shajahan Mohamed Iqbal, Chockalingam Sundar Raj, Sambandam Arul, Palanisamy Rathnakumar (2016), âHeat transfer intensification of Zirconia/water nanofluidâ Journal of Advances in Chemistry.vol.13, no.1, pp.5903-5909.
- Md Amanulla Farhan, Dr.P. Rathnakumar (2017), âInvestigation of Boiler Performance in a Power Plantâ International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering.vol.04, no.4, pp.18-23.
- Rathnakumar, S. Mohamed iqual, & S. Karthi (2017), âPerformance studies on a vapour compression Refrigeration system using lubricating oilâ, International Interdisciplinary Research Journal.vol.07, S (02), pp.628-637.
- Ramesh, Dr.P. Rathnakumar, Md Umar & Dr.M.V. Mallikarjuna (2017), âStatic and dynamic analysis of 1kw small wind turbine blades by various materialsâ, Indian J. Sci. Res. Vol.17(2), pp. 161-165,
- Rathnakumar, J. Ramesh, P. Velmurgan (2017),â Design of I.C. Engine Air Cooling Fins Using FEA analysisâ International Journal of Innovative Research Explorer. Vol.4(6), pp. 70-82,
- Rathnakumar, S. Mohamed Iqbal, Jee Joe Michael, S. Suresh (2018), âStudy on performance enhancement factors in turbulent flow of CNT/water nanofluid through a tube fitted with helical screw louvered rod insertsâ Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification (Elsevier). Volume 127, pp.103â110.(A-I)
- Md Amanulla Farhan, Dr.P.Rathnakumar (2018), âInvestigation of Heat Transfer in Solar Air Heater Using Artificial Rib Roughnessâ International journal for science and advance research in technology.vol.04, no.6, pp.1218-1221.
- P.Rathnakumar, Madan D and Ravi Kulkarni H (2019), âEnhancements of Thermal Performance Factor In Turbulent Flow Through a Tube Fitted with Helical Screw Louvered rod Insertsâ International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering,vol.06,no.6,pp.24-29. (Special Issue)
- Zeeshan Ali, V.Muthuraman, P.Rathnakumar, P.Gurusamy, Madeva Nagaral (2020), âInvestigation on the tribological properties of copper alloy reinforced with Gr/Zro2 Particulates by stir casting routeâ Materials Today :Proceedings, Vol 33, issue 7, pp. 3449-3453 (Elsevier)
- Abdul Aziz, Dr. P. Rathnakumar (2020), âThermal Analysis of Rectangular Fins with Different Circular Perforations to Improve In the Convection Heat Transferâ International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, Vol. X, Issue VIII, pp.167-174.
- Zeeshan ali, Dr. P Rathnakumar, Md Ashfaq Hussain (2020), âInvestigation of chemical Properties of Pyrolysis Oil Extracted from Waste Plasticsâ International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol.9, Issue 11, pp.124-130.
- Ravi Kulkarni H, Dr.Dhanasekaran, Dr.P. Rathnakumar & Dr.Sivaganesh (2021), âExperimental study on thermal analysis of helical coil heat exchanger using Green synthesis silver nanofluidâ Materials Today : Proceedings, Vol 42, part 2, pp 1037-1042 (Elsevier) .
- Ravi Kulkarni H, Dr.P.Rathnakumar, Dr.C.Dhanasekaran, Faheem Akthar (2021), âReview on thermal analysis of helical coil heat exchanger using nanofluidâ International Journal of creative Research thoughts,Vol.9,Issue 5, pp.h249-h255.
- Madan D, Rathnakumar P, Marichamy S, Vinothbabu K, Stalin B. (2021) âA Technological Assessment of the Ocean Wave Energy Convertersâ Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, (Springer) Vol.23, pp. 1057â1072.
- P.Rathnakumar, Priyankar D, Zeeshan ali and Madeva Nagaral (2021) âInvestigation of Bio Ethanol Production from sugar cane waste in SI engineâ Lecture notes in Mechanical Engineering, (Springer) Accepted paper.
- Zeeshan ali, V.Muthuraman, P.Rathnakumar, P.Gurusamy and Madeva Nagaral (2021) âStudies on Mechanical Properties of 3 wt.% of 40 and 90 micron size B4C particulates Reinforced A356 alloy compositesâ Materials Today : Proceedings, , Vol 52, part 3, pp 494-499 (Elsevier).
- Zeeshan ali,Md Ashfaq Hussain, Roma, P.Rathnakumar and Madeva Nagaral (2021) âJet fuel produced from waste plastic with graphite as a catalystâ Materials Today : Proceedings,(Elsevier) Accepted paper.
- Priyankar D,Zeeshan ali, Madeva Nagaral, P.Rathnakumar and V.Muthuraman (2021) âMicrostructure and Evolution of Mechanical Properties of Cu-Sn alloy with Graphite and nano Zirconium oxide particulatesâ Materials Today : Proceedings,(Elsevier) Accepted paper.
- Zeeshan ali, Md Ashfaq Hussain, Roma, P.Rathnakumar and Madeva Nagaral and V.Muthuraman (2021) âReview on Hardfacing of Nickel based alloy on SS316L compositesâ Indian journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.12, issue 68, pp.33895-33901
- Balaraju M O, H. Ravi Kulkarni, P. Rathnakumar, Faheem Akthar (2021) âAugmentation of Heat Transfer in Shell and Coil Type Heat Exchanger Using Nano Fluidâ International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, issue 5,pp. 62-69.
- Anantachar M, P.Rathnakumar, Zeeshan Ali, H. Ravi Kulkarni, Md.Umar, Priyankar D and Madeva Nagaral (2021) âSmart Multi-channel Seed Counter for six row peanut and chickpea planterâ Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.12, issue 69, pp.36650-36655.
- Honnappa, Faheem Akthar, P.Rathnakumar, Imran Basha, Â Zeeshan Ali, Madeva Nagaral (2021)âEnhancement of heat transfer using nano-fluid in a mini radiatorâ Materials Today Proceedings, , Vol 52, part 3, pp 1749 -1755 (Elsevier).
- Md Aamir Sohail, Ravi Kulkarni, P.Rathanakumar, Faheem Akthar, Â Zeeshan Ali, Madeva Nagaral (2021) âInvestigation of Heat transfer on two adjacent narrow plates with natural convectionâ International Journal of Advanced research, Vol. 9(11),pp.302-312.
- Â Ravi Kulkarni H, C.Dhanasekaran, P. Rathnakumar, Edwin eo Varuvel, S.Sivaganesh & M.Anantachar (2022), âInvestigation on performance of bio synthesized copper nano fluid in helical coil and shell type heat exchangerâ Materials Today : Proceedings, Vol 52, part 3, pp 862-866 (Elsevier) .
- MV Mallikarjun, Zeeshan Ali, Md.Zain ahmed, Vishuteja kulkarni & Rathnakumar P (2022), âGreen composite: A Review of adequate materials for automobile applicationâ International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research & Engineering, Vol 08, issue 05, pp 83-89.
- Raja Shakarappa, A.Arul Peter, MV Mallikarjuna, S.Padmanabhan and P.Rathnakumar (2022), âSynthesis, Microstructure and Wear analysis of Copper alloy with alumina and Graphene as reinforcementâ International Journal of Vehicle structure & systems, Vol 14 (3),pp.361-364.
- Mohamed Iqbal Shajahan, Christopher Stephen, Jee Joe Michael, M. Arulprakasajothi, P.Rathnakumar, Parthasarathy M (2023), âHeat transfer investigations of in-line conical strip inserts using MWCNT/ water nanofluid under laminar flow conditionâ International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol 183, pp.107844.(A-I)
- Zeeshan Ali, V.Muthuraman, P Rathnakumar, P Gurusamy, Madeva Nagaral (2022), âA Review on Mechanical and Tribological properties of metal matrix compositesâ Global Scientific and Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol 1 (7), pp.20-28.
- Zeeshan Ali, V.Muthuraman, P Rathnakumar, P Gurusamy, Madeva Nagaral,V.Auradi,Santhosh Krishnan (2022), âSynthesis and Mechanical Characterization of Varying sized B4C Particles Reinforced A356 Alloy Compositesâ Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, (Accepted) (A1)
Google scholar ID: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&user=1xH_VMwAAAAJSEMINARS/ WORKSHOPS:
- Attended one-day National level workshop on âCryogenics Technology and Low Temperature Applicationâ held at St. Joseph College of Engineering Chennai
- Participated in a two weeks Faculty Development Program on âHeat and Mass Transferâ held at Park College of Engg., Coimbatore
- Participated in a two days National Workshop on âFuture fuels for low emission enginesâ held at Annamalai university, Chidambaram
- Attended one-day National Workshop on âRecent developments in Composite materialsâ held at Kumuraguru college of Technology, Coimbatore
- Acted as a Jury for the State level Tamil Essay Writing competition held at Nandha Arts and Science College, Erode
- Co-ordinator for âRenewable sources of energyâ club at Nandha Engineering College, Erode
- International Workshop on âArt of Journal Articles and Thesis writingâ 12th August, 2013 at Erode sengunthur Engineering College, Erode
- One-day Seminar on âRecent trends in Refrigeration and Air conditioning â, 14 th October, 2011 at Anna University, Chennai
- National Seminar on âApplications of Tribological Nanofluids for current and futureâ, 27th and 28th March, 2012 at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode
- One-day workshop on âAdvances in Automobile industry and Technologyâ, 29th March, 2008 at Sudharsan Engineering College, Pudukkottai
- National level Workshop on âBlue print reading for Engineering and Manufacturing Technologyâ, 3rd April, 2014 at Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode
- Two â week ISTE workshop on âFluid Mechanicsâ, 20th to 30th May 2014 at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
- National Seminar on âHeat exchanger and its applicationsâ, 8th & 9th November, 2012 at KSR institute for Engineering and Technology, Tiruchengode
- National level workshop on âNational Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL)â, 20th November, 2015 at Er. Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering, Hosur
- Organized & Participated in a three days Faculty Development Program on âFinite Element Analysis from concept to applicationsâ 26th 27th & 28th March 2016 at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur. Karnataka
- Organized in a three days National Level workshop on âFabrication and Testing of Composite Materialsâ 26th 27th & 28th Sept 2016 at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur. Karnataka
- Organized in a One Day Seminar on âRecent Trends in design of Aerospaceâ 19th Nov 2016 at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur. Karnataka
- Organized in a One Day Seminar on ââEntrepreneurship Development Programâ 18th Feb 2017 at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur. Karnataka
- Organized in a three days National Level workshop on âNew Era in Manufacturing by 3D Printing Technologyâ 16th to 18th March 2017 at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur. Karnataka
- Participated in One-day workshop on âCurrent Trends in Computational fluid Dynamicsâ, 24th March, 2017 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore
- Organized in a One Day Seminar on ââRecent Exploration of an Advanced Mechanical Micromachining Technique in Nano-Technologyâ 26th Aug 2017 at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur. Karnataka
- Organized in a two days National Level workshop on âApplications of NDT in Mechanical Industriesâ 22nd & 23rd Sept 2017 at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur. Karnataka
- Participated in a two daysâ National workshop on âLatest trends in fabrication, Characterization & Analysis of composite materialsâ on 30th & 31st Jan 2018 at S.A. Engineering College, Chennai. Tamilnadu
- Organized in a two days National Level workshop on âAutoCAD 2D & 3D Modellingâ 16th & 17th March 2018 at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur. Karnataka
- Participated in one week Faculty Development Program (NITTTR Chennai) on âInstructional Model for Outcome based educationâ on 27th July â 01st August 2018 at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur. Karnataka
- Participated in one day 21st ISTE State level Faculty convention-2018 on âChallenges and opportunities in Engineering Education in Indiaâ on 03rd November 2018 at Bheemanna Khandre institute of Technology (BKIT), Bhalki. Karnataka
- Presented a paper in the National Conference on âEfficient air cooling system using Absorptive Dehumidification âheld at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology,Sathiyamangalam, Tamilnadu
- Presented a paper in the National Conference on âAdvances in Computing, Control,Communication, Automation and Structural Engineeringâ held at Al-Ameen Engineering College, Erode, and Tamilnadu
- Rathnakumar, P, Mayilsamy, K, Suresh, S & Murugesan, P 2014, âExperimental studies on heat transfer and friction factor characteristics in circular tube for laminar flow fitted with louvered rod insertsâ, 7th National Conference on Advances and Challenges in Mechanical Engineering, ESEC, Erode, Tamilnadu
- Md. Amanulla Farhan & Dr.P. RathnaKumar, 2017, âInvestigation of boiler performance in a power plantâ, 3th National Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering, Vemana Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka
- Rajashekarappa P. RathnaKumar, & Ramesh J 2018, âSynthesis & Characteristics of Eco friendly green composite material â An Experimental Analysisâ, National Conference on Progresses and Research in Mechanical Engineering, (PRIME-18) SDM College of Engineering & Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka
- P. Rathnakumar, S. Suresh, & Manjunath Basude 2016, âHeat transfer enhancements in turbulent flow through a tube fitted with helical screw louvered rod insertsâ, International Conference on Advanced Materials, Manufacturing, Management & Thermal Sciences(AMMMT-2016), Siddaganga Institute of Technology Tumkur- 572 103, Karnataka, INDIA
- P. Rathnakumar, S. Mohamed iqual, & S. Karthi 2016, âPerformance studies on a vapour compression Refrigeration system using lubricating oilâ, International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering & Technology (ICRIEAT-2016), Auroraâs scientific, Technological & Research academy, Hyderabad- 500 005, Telangana, INDIA
- P. Rathnakumar, J. Ramesh, P. Velmurugan & M.V. Mallikarjuna 2017, âDesign of air cooling fins â IC Engine using FEA analysisâ,International Conference on Future Technologies in Mechanical Engineering (ICFTME-2017), Malla Reddy College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA
- Ramesh, Dr.P. Rathnakumar, Md Umar & Dr.M.V. Mallikarjuna 2017, âStatic and dynamic analysis of 1kw small wind turbine blades by various materialsâ, International Conference on
- Recent Innovations in Engineering & Technology (ICRIEAT-2017), Auroraâs scientific, Technological & Research academy, Hyderabad- 500 005, Telangana, INDIA.
- Life member LM50842 Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi (MISTE)
- Fellow membership F/2504/11 Indian Society of Mechanical Engineers. Chennai (ISME)
- MIE âMembership M-144177-3 Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata
- Membership 171372 International Association of Engineers, (IAENG) Hong Kong
- Senior Member category.ID is SNM10100056865 Universal Association of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineers â (UAMAE)
- Life Fellow member â ID is F3140900269 International Society for Research and Development, London (ISRD)
- Membership of the Technical Research Organisation India, Kolkata, (TROINDIA)

Mr. MD Umar
Assistant Professor
- Perusing Ph.D. at VTU University
- M.Tech in Machine Design and Analysis at National Institute Of Technology, Rourkela
B.E in Mechanical Engineering at S.L.N Engg. College, Raichur VTU, Belgaum UniversityRESEARCH AND WORK EXPERIENCE:
- Currently working as, Assistant Professor in Department of Mechanical
Engineering in Navodaya institute of Technology Raichur, Karnataka from 06.08.2011 to till date.Research : Guiding projects for Under Graduate and Post Graduate students in the field of Renewable Energy Sources, Heat transfer and Refrigeration system.: Doctorial Committee with Ph.D research work in the field of Heat Transfer, Nanofluids and Composite materials.Total experience in teaching and research â 12 yrs.                  WORKSHOPS, SEMINARS, ORGANIZED AND PARTICIPATED : 05NATIONAL CONFERENCE   :04INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE:02SEMINARS:
- Contact impact analysis of gear rotor system, at National Institute of Technology Rourkela
- Optimization of a crankshaft rolling process for durability, at National Institute of Technology Rourkela
- Crack analysis of beams using the natural network, at National conference MT10 IIT Bombay.
- Jet fuel produced from waste plastic with graphite as a catalyst Z Ali, P Rathnakumar, MA Hussain, E Roma, M Nagaral, M Umar Materials Today: Proceedings 52, 716-723
- Characterization of aluminium-7075 reinforced with boron carbide (B4C) synthesized by stir casting, Z Ali, MD Umar, SM Huq, MS Chowdary, M Irfan, M Ashfaqwali. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology 8 (6)
- Microstructure and evolution of mechanical properties of Cu-Sn alloy with graphite and nano zirconium oxide particulates D Priyankar, Z Ali, M Nagaral, P Rathnakumar, V Muthuraman, MD Umar Materials Today: Proceedings 52, 296-300
- Influence of Future Material Nano-ZrO2 and Graphene on the Mechanical Properties of Al Composites. MD Umar, R Muraliraja, VS Shaisundaram, SG Wayessa Journal of Nanomaterials
- Research Article Influence of Future Material Nano-ZrO2 and Graphene on the Mechanical Properties of Al Composites MD Umar, R Muraliraja, VS Shaisundaram, SG Wayessa
- Investigations of Mechanical Properties on Copper Alloy & Graphite as Renforcement MD Umar, PK Ilay, M Nagaral, Z Ail
Google scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=k-UGR5gAAAAJ&hl=enACHIEVEMENTS:
- GATE 2008 Qualified with All India rank 1944, GATE Score 350, 89.32 percentile

Mr. Zeeshan Ali
Assistant Professor
- Pursuing Ph. D in Material Science Engineering at VISTAS, Chennai.
- M.Tech in Machine Design at Bangalore Institute of Technology
- B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur
- Diploma in Mechanical Engineering at HKES Polytechnic College, Raichur
- Working as Assistant Professor at Navodaya Institute of Technology
- CAE Engineer at Fe Solve Engineering Services Pvt.ltd
- Zeeshan Ali, T Jagadish, Madeva Nagaral, V Aurad 'Influence of nano Zirconium Oxide particles on the mechanical behavior of Copper alloy Composites' in Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), May 2018, Volume 5, Issue 5 pp 836-839. ISSN-2349-5162.
- Zeeshan Ali, Pradeep Kumar Ilay, Mohd Umar, Madeva Nagaral 'Investigations of Mechanical Properties on Copper Alloy & Graphite as Renforcement' in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2019, Volume 7, Issue 7 pp 1- 4. ISSN-2278-0181.
- Pradeep Kumar Ilay, Dr. Girisha L, Zeeshan Ali 'Experimental Investigations of Mechanical Properties on Epoxy based Natural Hybrid Composites' in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2019, Volume 7, Issue 7 pp 1-4. ISSN-2278-0181.
- M D Umar, Zeeshan Ali, Meer Ashfaqwali, Syed Mudasser Ul Huq, Mohammed Irfan, Mohmmed sohail chowdary 'Mechanical Behavior of Aluminium-7075 Reinforced with Boron Carbide (B4C) and Graphite (Gr) Synthesized by Stir Casting' in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5 pp 5204-5208. ISSN-2395-0056.
- Zeeshan Ali, M D Umar, Syed Mudasser Ul Huq, Mohammed Sohail Chowdary, Mohammed Irfan, Meer Ashfaqwali 'Characterization of Aluminium-7075 Reinforced with Boron Carbide (B4C) Synthesized by Stir Casting' in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), June 2019, Volume 8, Issue 6 pp 419-421. ISSN-2278-0181.
- Rajashakarappa, Zeeshan Ali, Chandrashekhar. M Sudeep Pavitra 'Mechanical Behavior of Aluminium-2024 Reinforced with Boron-Carbide (B4C) and Fly ash Synthesized by Stir Casting' in International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD), 2019, Volume 7, Issue 4 pp 498-500. ISSN-2321-0613.
- Rajashakarappa, Zeeshan Ali, Lavanya T R 'Mechanical Behavior of Aluminium-2024 Reinforced with Fly ash Synthesized by Stir Casting' in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), June 2019, Volume 8, Issue 6 pp 19-22. ISSN-2278-0181.
- M D Umar, Zeeshan Ali, Mohammed Aleem Afreed, Mohammed Rameez Ahmed, Mohammed Feroz Ahmed, Mukranja Shaik Shaibazq âStudy of Mechanical Behavior of Al-7010 Reinforced with ZrO2 for Aerospace Applicationâ in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 9 Issue 09, September-2020 pp 1028-1032 ISSN-2278-0181.
- Zeeshan Ali, V. Muthuraman, P Rathnakumar, P. Gurusamy, Madeva Nagaral âInvestigation on the tribological properties of copper alloy reinforced with Gr/Zro2 particulates by stir casting routeâ in Materials today proceedings ELSEVIER, Materials Today: Proceedings 33 (2020) pp 3449â3453.
- Zeeshan Ali, P Rathnakumar, Mohammed Ashfaq Hussain, Roma E, Mohammed Afridi, S Sampath Kumarâ Investigation of Chemical Properties of Pyrolysis Oil Extracted from Waste Plasticsâ in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 9 Issue 11, November-2020 pp 124-130 ISSN-2278-0181.
- M. V. Mallikarjuna, Zeeshan Ali, M. Tejaswini, J R Priya, Rohit, Soumya âM. âSmart Finger Millet Seed Extracting Machineâ in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 10 Issue 04, April-2021 pp 373-377 ISSN: 2278- 0181.
- Zeeshan Ali, V. Muthuraman, P Rathnakumar, P. Gurusamy, Madeva Nagaral, 'Studies on Mechanical Properties of 3 wt. % of 40 and 90 micron size B4C Particulates Reinforced A356 alloy Composites' in Materials today proceedings ELSEVIER, Volume52, part 3, 2022, Pages 494-499
- Zeeshan Ali, P Rathnakumar, Mohammed Ashfaq Hussain, Roma E, Madeva Nagaral, 'Jet fuel produced fromwaste plastic with graphite as a catalyst', in Materials today proceedings ELSEVIER, Volume52, part 3, 2022, Pages 716-723.
- Zeeshan Ali, Mohammed Ashfaq Hussain, Roma E, P Rathnakumar, Madeva Nagaral, V. Muthuraman, Review on Hardfacing of Nickel Based Alloy on Ss316l Composites, in Indian journal of natural sciences, Vol. 12/Issue 68/ October 2021, ISSN: 0976- 0997.
- Priyankar D, Zeeshan Ali, Madeva Nagaral, P Rathnakumar, V. Muthuraman, 'Microstructure and Evolution of Mechanical Properties of Cu-Sn alloy with Graphite and nano Zirconium Oxide Particulates' in Materials today proceedings ELSEVIER, Volume52, part 3, 2022, Pages 296-300.
- Anantachar M, P Rathnakumar, Zeeshan Ali, Ravi Kulkarni, MD Umar, Priyankar D, Madeva Nagaral, 'Review on Hardfacing of Nickel Based Alloy on Ss316l Composites' in Indian journal of natural sciences, Vol. 12/Issue 69/ December 2021, ISSN: 0976-0997.
- Honnappa, Faheem Akthar, P Rathnakumar, Imran Basha, Zeeshan Ali, Madeva Nagaral, 'Enhancement of Heat Transfer using Nano Fluids in a Mini-Radiator' in Materials today proceedings ELSEVIER, Volume52, part 3, 2022, Pages 1749-1755.
- Md Aamir Sohail, Ravi Kulkarni H, Faheem Akthar, P Rathnakumar, Zeeshan Ali, Madeva Nagaral, âInvestigation of Heat Transfer on two
- Adjacent Narrow Plates with Natural Convectionâ Int. J. of Adv. Res. 9 (Nov). 302-312] (ISSN 2320-5407).
- Rashmi p Shetty,TS Mahesh Zeeshan Ali, Madeva Nagaral, 'Studies on mechanical behaviour and tensile fractography of boron carbide particles reinforced Al8081 alloy advanced metal composites' in Materials today proceedings ELSEVIER ,Volume52, part 3, 2022, Pages 2115-2120.
- Zeeshan Ali, V. Muthuraman, P Rathnakumar, P. Gurusamy, Madeva Nagaral, 'Investigation of Mechanical Properties 0f Al-7si with 6 Wt% 0f 40 and 90 Micron Size Boron Carbide Metal Matrix Composite' in Journal of Mines, minerals and jet fuel, (Accepted for publication)
- Zeeshan Ali, V. Muthuraman, P Rathnakumar, P. Gurusamy, Madeva Nagaral, 'Influence of B4C particle size on the mechanical behaviour of A356 aluminium compositesâ in Research on Engineering Structures and Materials, (Accepted for publication)
- Ansari Faiyaz Ahmed, S. Sivamani, Samdani Peerusab, Izhar Ahmed, Mohammed Ibrahim Shaikh, Zeeshan Ali, âInvestigations on Mechanical Behaviour of Nano Zirconium Oxide and Graphite Particles Reinforced Cu-Sn Alloy Metal Composites' in Materials today proceedings ELSEVIER, (Accepted for publication)
Sl.NO | Reference Number and date of filling | Inventor (s) | Title of the Patent | Agency | Status (Granted /Filed) |
1 | 2021104264/ 17.07.21 | Zeeshan Ali | An IOT based lithium-ion battery Management for Micro Mobility | Australian Patent | Granted on 25th day of August 2021 |
2 | 2021104286/ 18.07.21 | Zeeshan Ali | A New approach to Eliminating Carbon Particles from Diesel Exhaust | Australian Patent | Granted on 11th day of May 2022 |
Sl.NO | Project Title | Reference Number | Amount Received |
1 | Noval Technology for Conversion of Plastic as Diesel by Pyrolysis process | 43S_BE_0082 | 6000 |
2 | Eco-Friendly Production of Jet Fuel from Waste Plastic using Pyrolysis Process | 44S_BE_2101 | 6000 |
3 | Design of a Unique Water Bottle that uses Natural Flax Fibres and Recycled High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) to Reduce Plastic Waste by 30% | 45S_BE_2036 | 7000 |
- Received Young Scientist Award for the academy year 2021-22 from Novel Research Academy-Registered under Govt. of India Pondicherry.
- Received best teacher award in AY 2021-22 from Institute for securing 100% results in Academic engagements.SEMINARS/ WORKSHOPS/CONFERENCES:
- Carried out internship in BIG STAMP TECHNOLOGIES Pvt.Ltd. from 1st August 2017 to 31st October 2017.
- Organized One Day Guest Lecture on âImportance of Materials and Design in Aerospace Domain" 7th Sept 2019 at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur. Karnataka.
- Attended two-day National level Workshop on Micromachining and Nanotechnology in Smart Manufacturing from 18th - 19th October, 2019 at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur.
- Attended one week National Level Online Faculty Development Program on "Online Teaching-Learning Processes using ICT Tools for Education 4.0" organized by Department of Information Technology, SVPCET.
- Attended 5 days Faculty Development Program on "Emerging Engineering Materials" organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with ISME from 1st to 5th June 2020.
- Attended one week National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on âAdvanced Materials, Machining and Characterization,â during 06th to 10th, July 2020, organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology.
- Attended online Faculty Development Program in association with AICTE on New & Emerging Technology organized by ARK infosolutions pvt ltd from 28-6-2021 to 2-7- 2021.

Mr. Raja Shakarappa
Assistant Professor
- Pursuing Ph.D. in Material Science Engineering at VISTAS Chennai
- M.Tech in Machine Design UBDTCE Davangere in the year 2013
- B.E in Mechanical Engineering at BEC, Bagalkot
- working as Assistant Professor in Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur
- Worked as Assistant Professor in Bheemanna Khandare Institute Of Technology BHALKI Feb 2014 to July 2015
- worked as Faculty in SDMT Polytechnic, Sindhanur
- August 2000 to December 2004: worked as a trainee engineer and junior engineer in the production department at ACHUK ENGINEERING AND CONSULTANT PVT LTD. PUNE(MAHARASTRA)
- December 2004 to February 2006: worked as Junior Engineer in the Production Department at ZF STEERING INDIA LTD. PUNE(MAHARASTRA)March 2006 to July 2009: worked as Senior Engineer in the Production Department at ADA PVT LTD. PUNE(MAHARASTRA)
- Raja Shakarappa, Analysis and simulation of progressive die., IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 Volume: 03 Special Issue: 03 May-2014 | NCRIET-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org
- Rajashakarappa, Zeeshan Ali,Chandrashekhar.Sudeep, Pavitra., Mechanical Behavior of Aluminium-2024 Reinforced with Boron-Carbide (B4C) and Fly ash Synthesized by Stir Casting |IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 7, Issue 04, 2019 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613
- Rajashakarappa, Zeeshan Ali, Lavanya T.R., Mechanical Behavior of Aluminium-2024 Reinforced with Fly ash Synthesized by Stir Casting| International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) |ISSN: 2278-0181Vol. 8 Issue 07, July-2019
- Shakarappa et al. Synthesis, Microstructure and Wear Analysis of Copper Alloy with Alumina and Graphene as Reinforcement 2022. Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(3), 367-370
- Presented Paper entitled âMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of CU-Sn alloy Reinforced with Al2O3 and graphene matrix compositeâ in 2nd International Conference on Multifunctional Materials in Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology (GCET) on 22 DEC 2022
- Presented Paper entitled âInfluence of Aluminum Oxide and graphene on the mechanical properties of cu-sn alloy compositesâ in 2nd International Conference on Multifunctional Materials in Geethanjali College Of Engineering and Technology (GCET), Hyderabad on 22 DEC 2022
- Presented paper entitled âMicrostructure and Wear Analysis of Copper Alloy with Alumina and Graphene As Reinforcementâ in 1st international Virtual Conference on Advances in Automobile, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering ICAAMME 22 International Virtual Conference in SRM Easwari Engineering College Chennai on 22 Mar 2022
- Presented paper entitled âAnalysis and simulation of progressive dieâ in ISTE â1st International conference on Recent Innovations in Mechanical Artificial Intelligence and Bio-Mechanical Engineering-ICRIMAIBE 2022â at Navodaya Institute of Technology Raichur on 29 July 2022
- A Battery powered Self Adjustable Tool: Controller General of Patents in Design & Trade Marks Govt Of India  Ref no :347557-01 Cbr Number:206110 Accepted and published: Journal No:42/2021 Date:15/10/2021
NPTEL Certification
- Certification for completing Course âFundamentals of Surface Engineering: Mechanism, Processes and Characterizationsâ in July-October 2018.

Mr. Faheem Akthar
Assistant Professor
- M.Tech in Thermal Power Engineering at PDACE KALABURAGI in the year 2010B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering SIT TUMAKURU in the year 2005
- Presently working as  Assistant Professor at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur, from July 2016 to till date.
- Worked as Assistant Professor at Channabasaveshwara Institute of Technology, Gubbi, from July 2011 to July 2016.
- Worked as Lecturer at Sri Basaveshwara Institute of Technology, Tiptur, from August 2010 to June 2011.
- Balaraju M O, H. Ravi Kulkarni, P. Rathnakumar, Faheem Akthar âAugmentation of HeatTransfer in Shell and Coil Type Heat Exchanger Using Nano Fluidâ International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 8, Issue 5, pp. 62-69, September-October-2021.
- Faheem Akthar , Abdul Razak Kaladgi ,Asif Afzal , Abdulrajak Buradi , Abdul Aziz , C. Ahamed Saleel âNumerical analysis of rectangular fins with circular perforationsâ, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 47, Part 17, pp. 6235-6241, June 2021.
- Abdul Razak Kaladgi , Faheem Akhtar , S.P. Avadhani , Abdulrajak Buradi , Asif Afzal , Abdul Aziz ,C. Ahamed Saleel, âHeat transfer enhancement of rectangular fins with circular perforationsâ. Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 47, Part 17, pp. 6185-6191, May 2021.
- Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Balal Hassan, Isquander Yunus, Mohammed Sami Dafedar, Amjad Khan, Mohammed Rafi, Faheem Akthar, Abdulrajak Buradi, Farooq Indikar âNanofluid as a coolant for next generation high heat dissipation electronic devicesâ, International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology, Volume 8, Issue 3/4, pp. 410-420,
- Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Sushma S, Faheem Akthar, Amjad Khan, Mohammed Rafeeq , Farooq Indikar and Mohammed Sami, â Heat Transport in High Heat Dissipating Electronic Devices.â International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, Issue 5, pp.7770-7775, May 2016.
- Amjad Khan, Abdul Razak Kaladgi, Sushma S, Faheem Akthar, Mohammed Rafeeq and Farooq Indikar, âThermal Analysis of Heat Dissipating Electronic Devices.â International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, Issue 5, pp. 7776-7781, May 2016.
- Faheem Akthar, Abdul Razak R Kaladgi, and Mohammed Samee, "Heat Transfer Augmentation Using Dimples in Forced Convection - An Experimental Approach," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 150-153, January 2015.
- Faheem Akthar, Abdul Razak R Kaladgi and Mohammed Samee A Dafedar âHeat transfer enhancement using dimple surfaces under natural convectionâan experimental study,â International journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotic Research. Vol. 4, No. 1, pp 173-175, January 2015.
- Sushma S, Faheem Akthar and Abdul Razak R K âEffect of pongamia and jatropha blend on the performance of diesel engine,â International journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotic Research ,Vol. 4, No. 1, pp 463-466, January 2015.

Mr. Srikar G Kulkarni
Assistant Professor
- M.Tech in Engineering Analysis & Design VTU University Balgavi.
- B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering under VTU University
- 7 Years of Teaching Experience
- Currently working as Assistant Professor at Navodaya Institute of Technology
- âA Study of M.S.D And Mode Of Failure in the Fuselage Structure of Transport Aircraftâ TTMT-2013 at SJBIT, Bangalore
- National Conference TTMT-13 A Study of M.S.D And Mode Of Failure in the Fuselage Structure of Transport AircraftSJBIT, Bangalore
- NATIONAL WORKSHOP Optimization of Mathematical Models and their Applications (01 -07 2013 to 06-07-2013) Sponsored By â Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, New Delhi. Organised By â Department Of Industrial Engineering & Management,
- FDP VTU-Autodesk Faculty Development Program. (30-04-2015 to 03-05-2015)
- VTU Regional Centre Hanchya Sathagalli Layout Near Ring Road, Mysore 570 019
- FDP Finite Element Analysis from concept to Applications 26th 27th& 28th March 2016 NIT-Raichur
- Workshop Fabrication and Testing of Composite Materials 26th 27th& 28th Sept 2016 NIT-Raichur
- Workshop New Era in manufacturing by 3D Printing Technology 16th to 18th March 2017 NIT-Raichur
- Workshop Applications of NDT in Mechanical Industries 22nd &23rd Sept 2017 NIT-Raichur
- Workshop AutoCAD 2D & 3D Modelling 16th & 17th March 2018 NIT-Raichur
- KSCST 42nd Series state level seminar at KLE Balgavi on 26th and 27th July 2019

Mr. Pradeep Kumar llay
Assistant Professor
- Pursuing Ph. D in Material Science Engineering at VISTAS, Chennai
- M.Tech In MACHINE DESIGN JNNCE under VTU University in the year 2012
- B.E.in Mechanical Engineering at SLNCE Raichur, under VTU University 2010
- Currently working as an assistant professor in the Mechanical Engineering department at Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur, Karnataka
- Assistant Professor at Jain Institute of Technology, Davangere. Karnataka
- Worked as CAE Engineer Autosoft Solutions India Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
- âDesign and Fabrication of Simarouba Seed Extracting Machineâ International Journal of Scientific Research and Development (IJSRD), Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, ISSN: 2321-0613
- âInvestigations of Mechanical Properties on Natural Based Composites: Carbonized rice husk (CRH), Tamarind fruit Fibers (TM) and Coco-Spathe Fibers (CS)â International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (IJRAT), Vol.6, No., June 2017, E-ISSN: 2321-9637
- âInvestigation of Stress Concentration Factor of Composite for Circular Disc Using Polariscopeâ, 2017 IJRTI, Volume 2, Issue 5, ISSN: 2456-3315, International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation,245-252
- âExperimental on Dry Sliding Wear behavior of Aluminium 6061 Metal matrix Compositeâ International Journal of Scientific Research and Development (IJSRD), Volume 5, Issue 3, May 2017, ISSN: 2321-0613
- âInvestigation of Mechanical Properties on magnesium Based alloys: AZ31 and AZ80â International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
- âAutomated Simarouba Seed Extracting Machineâ, IJSRD, Volume 5, Issue 3, May 2017, ISSN: 2455-2631
- âInvestigation of Stress Concentration Factor of Composite for Bending Specimen Using Polariscopeâ, (2017)IJSRD, Volume 5, Issue 3, May 2017,ISSN : 2321- 0613
- âInvestigation of Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Aluminium 6061 with Ferro-Titanium Metal Matrix Compositeâ, IJRTI, Volume 2, Issue 5, ISSN: 2456-3315, 218-222
- âInvestigation of Damping Behaviour of Aluminium Based Hybrid Nanocompositesâ International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 3 Issue 9, September- 2014
- A part of M.Tech. Project work has been submitted in âInternational Conference on Challenges and opportunities in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management Studiesâ (ICCOMIM-2012)
- Three Days National Level Workshop on âNew Era in Manufacturing by 3D Printing Technology, NIT, Raichur, (March 2017)
- Five Days Training on âFeel Teacherâ JIT, Davangere (2015)
- One Day National Workshop on âRecent trends in Non-conventional energy sourcesâ, UBDTCE, Davangere (2015)
- Two Weeks Workshop on âControl Systemâ, IIT- Kharagpur & UBDTCE, Davangere (2014)
- One Week Workshop on âExperimental Techniques in Mechanical Engineeringâ JNNCE Shivamogga
- International Conferences on ICCOMIM 2012, Two Days, MSRIT -Bangalore

Imran Basha
Assistant Professor

Mr.Jagadeesh Alkur
Assistant Professor
- Jagadeesh A, Basavaraj M Shrigiri, OD Hebbal-âProduction of Biodiesel using Temple waste oilâ. Published in Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Recent Advances in Hybrid and Electric Automotive Technologies Select Proceedings of HEAT 2021 Springer, ISBN 978-981-19-2091-2-2022.
- Kushal. G. Ambli, B M Dodamani, Jagadeesh A and Dr. Mohan B.V - âHeterogeneous Composites for Low and Medium Temperature Thermal Insulation: A Reviewâ. Published a paper in International Journal: Energy and Buildings, ELSEVIER, 12 th July 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.07.024
- Mahantesh M. Shivashimpi, S. A. Alur, Jagadeesh A, M.R. Ingalagi, Bhimanagoud M Dodamani-âEffect Of Nozzle Geometry On The Performance And Emission Characteristic Of C I Engine Operated On Palm Oil Methyl Esterâ published a paper in International Journal of Prevention and Control of Industrial Pollution, Vol. 4: Issue 2, IJPCIP (2018) 14â21.
- M M Shivashimpi, S A Alur, R S Ellur, Jagadeesh A, M R Ingalagi -Presentated a paper Entitled âEffect Of Nozzle Geometry On The Performance And Emission Characteristic Of C I Engine Operated On Palm Oil Methyl Esterâ published a paper in Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 2018 JETIR August 2018, Volume 5, Issue 8, ISSN-2349-5162.
- V H Modi, Jagadeesh A âExperimental Investigation of Performance and Emission Characteristics of Di Diesel Engine Operated on WPO, Home and Dieselâ in published a paper in International Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 12, Issue 25 (Special Issue) December 2016, ISSN 2230-9559.
- Kushal Ambli, B M Dodamani, Jagadeesh A âOptimization of Material input in Induction furnace for Castingâ published a paper in International Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 12, Issue 25 (Special Issue) December 2016, ISSN 2230-9559.
- Jagadeesh A, et.al âEXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS ON VCR DI DIESEL ENGINE OPERATED ON MULTI BLEND BIODIESELâ in International Journals of Innovative Research in Science and Engineering (IJIRSE), ISSN:2454-9665. Vol-02, Special Issue No-05, May2016.
- Jagadeesh A, et al, âPERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF VCR DI DIESEL ENGINE OPERATING ON RENEWABLE MULTI FUELâ in International Journals of Innovative Research in Science and Engineering (IJIRSE), ISSN:2454-9665. Vol-02, Special Issue No-05, May-2016.
- Hareesh Naik, Jagadeesh A, B M Dodamani, K G Ambli, âPerformance and Emission Characteristics of multi Cylinder DI Diesel Engine Operating on JOME and Dieselâ, Published in the International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering(IJARSE), ISSN:2319- 8354, Vol. no.5, Special Issue No. 01, March.
- K M Akkoli, B M Dodamani, Jagadeesh A, Ravi, C âDesign and Construction of Food waste Biogas plant for Hostel Messâ Published in International Journal of Scientific Research and Development, ISSN 2321-0613 Vol 3, Issue 3, May 2015.
- B M Dodamani, S B Yapalaparvi, Jagadeesh A "Performance, Emission and Combustion Characteristics of Hydrogen, CNG operated HCCI engines with HnOME Biodieselâ published in the International Journal of Latest technology in engineering, Management and Applied Science, Vol. 3, Sep 2014.
- Jagadeesh A, Prakash S Patil, Om Prakash Hebbal, âExperimental Investigation Of Performance And Combustion Characteristics Of Pongamia Biodiesel And Its Blends On Diesel Engine And LHR Engineâ in the year 2013. Published in the International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2319-1163, Vol. 2 Issue 7, July â 2013, page no 202-206.
Papers Published in International Conferences:
- M M Shivashimpi, S A Alur, R S Ellur, Jagadeesh A, M R Ingalagi- Presentated a paper âEntitled Effect Of Nozzle Geometry On The Performance And Emission Characteristic Of C I Engine Operated On Palm Oil Methyl Esterâ published a paper in international conference on recent innovations in science, engineering and technology (ICRISET-18) held during 18th & 19th of May, 2018, at HSIT, Nidasoshi.
- V H Modi, Jagadeesh A âExperimental Investigation of Performance and Emission Characteristics of Di Diesel Engine Operated on WPO, Home and Dieselâ Presented in International conference on recent innovations in Engineering ICRIE-2016 held during 8th and 9th October 2016 at HIT, Nidasoshi.
- Kushal Ambli, B M Dodamani, Jagadeesh A Presented a paper entitled âOptimization of Material input in Induction furnace for Castingâ published a paper in International conference on recent innovations in Engineering ICRIE-2016 held during 8th and 9th October 2016 at HIT, Nidasoshi.
- Jagadeesh A, et.al âEXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS ON VCR DI DIESEL ENGINE OPERATED ON MULTI BLEND BIODIESEL Presented in International Journals of Innovative Research in Science and Engineering , International Conference Innovative Science, Engineering and Management (ICITSEM-2016) at ICC, New Delhi, India, ISBN-978-81-932074-9-9 Held on 27-May-2016.
- Jagadeesh A, et al, âPERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF VCR DI DIESEL ENGINE OPERATING ON RENEWABLE MULTI FUELâ Presented in International Journals of Innovative Research in Science and Engineering , International Conference Innovative Science, Engineering and Management (ICITSEM-2016) at ICC, New Delhi, India, ISBN-978-81-932074-9-9 Held on 27-May-2016.
- Jagadeesh A et.al, âPerformance and Emission Characteristics of multi Cylinder DI Diesel Engine Operating on JOME and Dieselâ Presented in International Conference On Recent Innovations in Engineering and Management (ICRIEM-2016),at Dhananjay Mahadik Group of Institutions (BIMAT), Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India,: ISBN-978-81932074-5-1, Held on 23-March-2016.
- Papers Presented in National Conferences:
- Jagadeesh A, et.al presented a paper entitled âPlant E-Technology, in National Conference, NCETERM-Delta 2018 held on 26th and 27th October 2018 at GMIT, Davanagere.
- S B Awade, N M Ukkali, Jagadeesh A, B M Dodamani presented a paper entitled âFinite Element analysis of smart composite plates using ANSYS, in 3rd National conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineeringâ held at K S School of Engineering and Management, Bangalore during 29th April 2016.
- Jagadeesh A et.al, âPerformance, Emission Characteristics of Dual Fuel & HCCI Engine Operated on CNG, UOME Biodieselâ Presented in National Conference on â MAKE IN INDAI-AN OPPORTUNITY FOR ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIESâ at SGBIT, Belagavi.
- Jagadeesh A et.al, âFuel Saving by Thermic Fluid Boilerâ Presented in National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Technology & Architecture-2016, at DY Patil college of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur: ISBN, 978-81-920561-8-0,Jan2016.
Projects Executed:
- Grass root project entitled âSemi Automated Pesticide Sprayerâ Sponsored with a grant of Rs. 85,000/- from NIAS, Bengaluru for the AY-2020-21
- Project entitled âSmall Scale Unit to Manufacture Organic Incense (Dhoop)â selected and exhibited in AICTE-Chhatra Vishwakarma-2019 Awards and appreciated from AICTE Chairman.
- As a Project-Guide for Engineering graduate students received a grant of Rs.4500/- from Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) for the Project proposal entitled âSmall Scale Unit to Manufacture Organic Incense (Dhoop)â during 2019-2020.
- As a Project-Guide for Engineering graduate students received a grant of Rs.7000/- from Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) for the Project proposal entitled âDesign and Fabrication of Fitness Equipment for Power Generationâ during 2018-2019.
- As a Project-Guide for engineering students entitled âAutomatic Cloth bag Making Machineâ is selected for SMART INDIA HACKTHON-2019 (SIH-19) during AY-2018-19.
- As a Project-Guide for Engineering students entitled âTree Climbing Cycleâ was awarded Consolation Prize in National Level AnveshanA project Exhibition during AY-2017-18.
- As a Project-Guide for engineering students entitled âMulti rotor Wind Millâ was selected for National Level AnveshanA project Exhibition during AY-2016-17.
- As a Project-Guide for engineering students entitled âSmart Jackâ is selected for final exhibition in national level KALAM INNOVATIONS held at Chennai A2016-17.
- As a Project-Guide for Engineering students received a grant of Rs.40, 000/- from Vision Group of Science and Technology (VGST) for the Project proposal entitled âSmart Jackâ during 2015-2016.
- The project entitled âFuel saving by utilizing thermic fluid boilerâ Project awarded Consolation at SHRISTI-2015 Project exhibition held at, NHCE, and Bangalore.
- As a Project-Guide for Engineering graduate students received a grant of Rs.6000/- from Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) for the Project proposal entitled âFuel saving by utilizing thermic fluid boilerâ during 2014-2015.