A two-day industrial visit to Vikram Sarabhai Space Center and Thiruvananthapuram Zoo was organized on 02nd and 03rd November 2023 by Department of Electronics and CommunicationEngineering, Navodaya Institute of Technology.The Vikram Sarabhai Space Center (VSSC), the flagship space research center of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), focuses on rockets and space vehicles for India’s satellite operations. It is located in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala state. The center was named the Tumba Equatorial Rocket Launch Center (TERLS) in 1962 and Vikram is known as the father of Indian Space Research Organisation Sarabhai was renamed in his honour. Vikram Sarabhai Space Center is one of the major research and development institutes in ISRO. VSSC scientists explained the construction and operation of various satellite vehicles.Head of Department Dr. K.Venkatachalam, Faculty Mrs. Renukadevi, ECE and 30 students of the department took this industrial visit. Principal Dr. MV Mallikarjuna congratulate and send the team to Thiruvananthapuram. Management, Navodaya Educational trust called for more and more such programs to be held.